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我想过急流勇退,宝贝,但是我心有不甘。I thought of quitting, baby, but my heart just ain't gonna buy it.

如果此时急流勇退,也好过以后被淘汰。If this time quits while ahead, also will feel better is eliminated later.

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历史也许是最厚待那些见好就收、急流勇退而且不再返回的老板们。History may be kindest to bosses who quit while they are ahead—and do not come back.

另一方面,散户们对侯宁的急流勇退并不感觉奇怪。Individual investors, on the other hand, are not so surprised at Hou's hasty retreat.

这位23岁的年轻冠军表示自己不会急流勇退,而是希望游到2012年参加伦敦奥运会。The 23-year-old said he would not retire, but continue to swim at the 2012 London Olympics.

作为一名冠军级成员的中后卫,佩洛格里诺知道自己选择急流勇退的时机是正确的。As a championship-winning centre-back, Pellegrino knows what it takes to cut it at the top level.

在只有极少数主题公园能圆迪斯尼梦的现实面前,急流勇退、适时改造转型成为困境主题公园的理想归宿之一。The one of perfect end-results is scuttling, rebuilding and transferring when few topic parks can succeed as Disney do.

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当温总某一天急流勇退的时候,我真的希望他的遗产不只是一座闪闪发光的球场。When Wenger decides he has had enough of managing Arsenal I sincerely hope his legacy will be more than a shiny stadium.

可是,如果你想跟他共度你的人生,想急于要个孩子,那么在你真正遇到问题之前急流勇退吧。However, if you are in a rush or find yourself wanting to spend your life with him, get out before you have real problems.

急流勇退让她们成为了宝贵极好的榜样,在网球和高尔夫球界都将受到人们怀念。In bowing out while they are ahead, they are valuable and classy role models who'll be missed on the links and the courts.

前有肯尼迪总统在古巴导弹危机中急流勇退,避免于苏联核对抗升级。The former president Kennedy bravely withdrew in the Cuban Missile Crisis to avoid the escalating opposition against URSS.

华盛顿从公职急流勇退的做法早在1750年当他还只是一名弗吉尼亚民兵的年轻指挥官时就开始了。Washington began his pattern of resignations from public office when still a youthful commander of the Virginia militia in the early 1750s.

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在个人事业的一个巅峰选择急流勇退,黎姿的决定里闪烁着知足常乐哲学光芒。Quits while ahead at an individual enterprise's mountain peak choice, in Li Zi the decision glitters is being a happy person the philosophy ray.

所有政治生命,除非在春风得意的当口急流勇退,都将以失败告终,因为政治的本性就是如此,人类事务的本性就是如此。All political lives, unless they are cut off in midstream at a happy juncture, end in failure, because that is the nature of politics and of human affairs.