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结瘤使沙棘的落叶延迟。Nodulation delayed the falling-leaf of H. rhamnoides.

在沙地里种植沙棘,可以起到固沙的作用。Planting sea buckthorn on sandy soil can solidify sand.

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沙棘小黄瓜补水面膜。Aubrey Sea Buckthorn &Cucumber with Ester-C Moisturizing Mask.

螺旋藻、沙棘油也具有抗辐射的作用。Spirulina, seabuckthorn oil also have the effect of radiation.

沙棘果作为食用的价值之一在于它含有丰富的维生素C。The fruits of common seabuckthorn are edible and rich in vitamin C.

“这是什么?”让沙棘。“这是一个梦的盒子,”陌生人说。"What is it?"asked Sarch. "It's a dream box, "said the strange man.

看着幸福的莎拉,那个奇怪的男人让沙棘有她的第三个愿望。Looking at a happy Sarah, the strange man let Sarch have her third wish.

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大果沙棘是一个优良的灌木树种,近年来杨树局进行了引种繁育。Introduction and breeding of the species were carried through in recent years.

沙棘林冠和枯枝落叶层具有显著的水文作用。Hydrological effects of canopy and litter layer of seabuckthorn are remarkable.

研究了沙棘果实中黄色素的稳定性。The stability of the yellow pigment from sea buckthorn fruits was investigated.

研究了干红沙棘果酒澄清工艺。The new clarifying technique of dried red Sea buckthorns fruit wine was studied.

利用最佳发酵工艺条件对沙棘汁进行发酵。Using the best fermentation process condition, the sea-buckthorn juice was fermented.

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在布袋中冷藏的沙棘种子的根与芽生长受抑制情况最明显。Root and shoot length were inhibited most in cloth bags under storage in refrigerator.

目的研究沙棘中黄酮的提取方法。Objective To research the way of abstraction total flavone from Hippophae rhamnoides L.

沙棘是一种小浆果植物,落叶灌木或小乔木。The Hippophae is a kind of small berry plant, shedding leaves bush or small tall trees.

本文对沙棘油的理化指标及特性进行了较详尽的说明。The physical and chemical characteristics of sea buckthorn Oil are described in this paper.

沙棘表皮毛的主要功能是保护冬芽越冬。The main function of the downiness of Hippophae mainly is to protect the buds overwintering.

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利用已报道的葡萄SSR引物筛选适用于沙棘的SSR引物。SSR markers adapting to Hippophae rhamnoides were screened using reported Grapes SSR primers.

沙棘、柠条、红柳制浆性能的研究。Study on the Pulping Properties of Hippophaerhamnoidesl, Caragana korshinskii and Red willow.

沙棘根蘖与植株生长势及根系成熟程度有关。The suckering of seabuckthorn is related to the growth vigor of slocks and the root ripeness.