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经常可以在有皮条客和嫖客的地方看到他们。Often seen in the company of pimps and hustlers.

合法化是否令她们的嫖客更温柔?Does legalisation make their punters more tender?

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我有一个愿望,天下不再有嫖客!I have a wish, all have no longer go whoring guest!

有个嫖客玩我,让我在他的信用卡上走!One of the fuckers wanted to put me on his Visa card!

在这个国家,警察对嫖客们都还不错。In this country, the police are fine with men visiting prostitutes.

要羞辱的是嫖客,还有那些有权和钱来剥削她们的老鸨。Blame the pimps and johns who have the power and money to exploit them.

许多“嫖客”都是损失了珠宝或电脑而只身回到家中。Many Geese return home without their jewelry or computers, but return home.

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世尊在因地时,为度化众生而化现为一嫖客。The Buddha, in order to tame certain beings, was once reincarnated as a brothel visitor.

2005年,嫖客平均年龄已下降到30岁,而现在还有继续低龄化的趋势。By 2005, however, the average age had dropped to 30 – and it appears to be getting lower.

这没有胡须和天鹅绒的比赛这被期待物之中极其复杂的老嫖客…Its smooth and velvety taste matches the expectations of the most sophisticated gourmets.

探讨社会心理因素与嫖客嫖娼行为的关系。To study the relationship of Sociopsychological Factors and whoring behaviour of Whoremaster.

卡萨诺瓦是一声名狼藉的嫖客,在其风流的出轨行为前有饮用巧克力的习惯。Casanova, the infamous womanizer, made a habit of drinking chocolate before his romantic escapades.

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批评者认为这并不公平,嫖客不可能事先知道对方是否被盘剥。Critics have suggested that this is ­unfair, that a man can't possibly know whether a woman is being exploited.

这一传言,令光顾过她的嫖客人人自危,最近纷纷到诊所挂号体检。This rumor, so patronized her clients feel insecure, recently have come to the clinic registration examination.

这晚,芊红发现嫖客中,有两个是人口贩子的拍档,还好对方没有认出她。This night, Qian red found John, there are two is traffickers partner, also good the other party didn t recognize her.

当然这并不代表说嫖客们再也不能去公园找猎物了,只是说可供选择的数量已经大大减少了。All this doesn't mean a john can't get what he's looking for in the park, but he had better be prepared to search awhile.

然而,夏很快就给对上海星报的记者展示了他的专业,其实去美容院的客户都是嫖客。However, Xia soon showed her "professionalism" to the Shanghai Star reporter, who went to the salon under the guise of a customer.

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“嫖客”们往往愿意相信这些“海滩男孩”是爱着她们,并且认为她们的“男友”并不只当她们是“提款机”。Often a "Goose" might believe the Beach boy "loves" her or is her "boyfriend" not appreciating that she is nothing more than a wallet.

探讨社会心理因素与嫖客嫖娼行为的关系。It is to deserve attention that there is marked correlation between the whoring behaviour of Whoremaster and the Sociopsychological Factors.

萨米的牧师回忆说,一个礼拜日,因为大街上满是嫖客和瘾君子,他的教徒们都没法聚集起来。Jim Summey, a local preacher, recalls a Sunday when his flock could not park because the street was jammed with johns seeking sex and drugs.