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那天学校停课了。Classes were suspended that day.

新的法规正在起草中,以将停课也包括在内。A revised law is being drafted to include suspensions.

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在新喀里多尼亚岛,沿海的学校也停课,疏散学生。In New Caledonia, schools in coastal areas were evacuated.

航班已经取消,学校也停课关门了。Airlines have canceled flights and schools have been closed.

我们大学停课放暑假。The classes of our university closed for the summer vacation.

同时,斯通被其所在的学校萨默维尔高中停课一周。Stone was also suspended from Summerville High School for a week.

另外,中部一些地区的学校因流感自行停课。In addition, some areas of central self-closed schools due to flu.

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教育署宣布上午校和全日制学校停课。Education Department announces closure of morning and all-day schools.

人们占领人民公园,中断低预算的电影和也迫使公民速成班停课。Its part Peoples Park, part low-budget film set and part civics crash course.

如果我们明天停课,我们将与一些来自台中的学生去爬山。If we have no class tomorrow, we will go hiking with some students from Taichung.

他们更不可能会在学习方面更有麻烦,可能的是他们会停课或缺课。They were also not more likely to have problems in school, be suspended or absent.

他们只能让他停课,因为“不论持有者意图如何,”刀具是禁止携带的。They had to suspend him because, “regardless of possessor’s intent, ” knives are banned.

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是否曾经被劝其退学、停课、或是留校察看?Has your child ever been asked to withdraw from a school, suspended, or put on probation?

二月份,一场恶性流感会迫使班级停课。我自己会失音。Classes will be disrupted in February by a nasty bout of flu. I myself will lose my voice.

韩国一些学校因担心雨水中含有放射性微尘而宣布停课。Fears about radiation in rain prompted classes to be canceled at some schools in South Korea.

停课让学生好几天都远离教室,而棍棒可以在15分钟内解决问题。While suspensions take kids out of the classroom for days, paddling could be done in 15 minutes.

如果桥轩比赛日当天,政府宣布学校停课,当晚桥轩比赛亦会取消。If she declares schools to be closed on the match date, the BridgeHouse gathering will be cancelled.

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它是歇业停课的日子,是因为很多营业场所停止营业带来不便的日子,是醉酒的日子,抑或是去野餐的日子?Or is it a day of inconvenience because many places of business are closed? Is it a day to get drunk?

情人节这天的大风雪迫使学校停课,机场关闭,公路也变成了溜冰场。The Valentine's Day blizzard shut down schools and air travel and turned highways into skating rinks.

昨午暴雨,下午校停课,学童提早放学。Schoolchildren were yesterday sent home early when afternoon lessons were cancelled due to heavy rain.