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他已是一位白发苍苍的老头。He was a grey-haired old man.

我可不希望到了白发苍苍和他复婚。I do not want to remarry him.

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他是一位白发苍苍的瘦老头。He is a grey-haired thin old man.

餐桌面前的她令我非常吃惊,驻足在我面前的是一位白发苍苍的家庭主妇。The actual sight of her was a shock.

当你老了,白发苍苍,睡意朦胧。When you are old and grey and full of sleep.

许多年之后,我白发苍苍的蹒跚走在河边。Years later, I totter by the River in white hair.

两个人从相守到白发苍苍,需要多久。Spend the two people from the white-haired, how long.

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她们可知我们白发苍苍之时去往何处?。And do they know the places where we go when we're grey and old?

就在这时,一位白发苍苍的妇女由队长扶着走了进来。Just then a white-haired woman entered supported by the team leader.

当白发苍苍的房主开始抗议时,这些棍棒又转向了他们。When the grey-haired owners protested, the rods were turned on them.

白发苍苍各自去看场细水长流与着谁拥抱离去。Gray hairs in their respective go see a water out and who embrace leave.

夕阳西下时,白发苍苍的老人们坐在家舍门廊上看报。White-haired folks reading the paper on their farmhouse porches at sunset.

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悲伤和易怒可能出现在任何年龄层,从婴儿到白发苍苍的老人。Sadness and irritability can occur at any age from infancy to very old age.

当你白发苍苍翻看老照片时,你会发现一切不过是过眼云烟,他也只是个过客而已。I wish i had all the time i'd ever wasted, so i could waste it all over again.

白发苍苍的老人,携手幸福的仰望着星空,同一轮明月啊!Grey-haired old man, together happy to look up to the starry sky, the same moon!

不要总说自己老了,心不老,白发苍苍又何妨?Do not always say that their old, out of mind the old, white-haired then why not?

暂时?暂时是多久?三年?五年?抑或等到白发苍苍?Temporary? How long is that? Three years? Five years? Or until my hair turns gray?

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“你的手较大,”白发苍苍的医生和病人握手时说道。“You have big hands, ” the white-haired doctor said as he shook the patient’s hand.

她是一个白发苍苍满脸皱纹的老女士,不过她做的复活节道具在整个纽约北部是最有名的。She was a leathery old lady whose Halloween displays were the best in Upstate New York.

但白发苍苍、戴眼镜的老奶奶并无悔意,并表示她会持续用大麻烹饪。The white-haired bespectacled granny was unrepentant and said she would keep cooking with pot.