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我们能否和好如初?Can we make it good?

让我们和好相处。Let's get along well.

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你们是好男孩和好女孩。A preadolescent boy or girl.

把和好的面揉成一团。Shape the dough into a ball.

他们平息了争执,又和好如初了。They patched up their tiff again.

你能回头并和好如初吗?Can you turn around and reconnect?

和好朋友谈谈心,找到你生气的原因。Good friends talk, you find angry.

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他们一会儿和好,一会儿闹翻,一天有上十次。They fall in and out ten times a day.

和好朋友来次促膝长谈A long conversation with a good friend.

相反,她看起来非常兴奋和好奇。Instead, she seemed excited and curious.

莎莉和乔上个周大吵了一架,但是她们现在又和好如初了。Yes, we had a big quarrel two weeks ago.

生日派对上,池北辰与布朗和好。At the birthday party, Beichen and Brown.

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好的休息和好的饮食会使你强壮起来的。A good rest and good food will set you up.

真高兴看到你们俩和好了。It's great to see you kwo kiss and make up.

山姆会员店和好又多超市是你最好的朋友。Sam's Club and Costco are your best friends.

和好朋友在一起的时光总是最美好的。Frick and Frack time is always the best time.

我的母亲是一位贤惠的妻子和好母亲。My mother is a virtuous wife and good mother.

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两个国家都有和好的意图。The two countries had the intention of peace.

我不会辜负你的热情招待和好意。I'll not abuse your hospitality, your kindness.

我对我家人有所愧欠,我要重新去学习怎样当回一个好父亲和好丈夫。I owe it to my family to become a better person.