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他生性十分随意He was very informal.

她生性爱好音乐。She has a bent for music.

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科迪个头小,生性腼腆。Cody was a timid, small child.

菲利浦先生是个生性快活的人。Mr. Phillips was a cheery man.

水资源具有可再生性。Water resources has renewability.

诺伊斯生性洒脱,豁达正真。Noyes naturally carefree, open-minded is true.

脾脏的肿瘤性病变还是增生性病变?。Hyperplastic or neoplastic lesion of the spleen?

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他生性放达开朗,结交了不少朋友。With his open manners, he made a lot of friends.

总之,我更倾向反应性或化生性改变。In short, I favor reactive or metaplastic change.

因为苏珊生性畏怯,所以她不敢独自旅行。Susan is born timid, so she dare not travel alone.

海牛体型大,皮肤灰色,生性温和害羞。What do manatees look like? They are big and gray.

他生性悍勇,力大过人。He has an intrepid disposition, and great strength.

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牛球虫病是牛的重要寄生性原虫病之一。Bovine coccidiosis is one of important protozoa diseases.

即时性是一种相对概念,这也是它为什么属于可生性的原因。Immediacy is a relative term, which is why it is generative.

虽然我生性懦弱,我必需配得上她。Despite my natural cowardice, I knew I must be worthy of her.

兔球虫属于艾美耳科的寄生性原虫。Rabbit coccidian is a kind of parasitic protozoan of Eimeria.

本品是一种内吸传导型、灭生性除草剂。This product is a transfer within the suction type, Herbicide.

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实践创生性是马克思自由生存观的本质。Practice-creation is the essence of Marx's freedom-living idea.

这样大数额的纳税人的钱用在再生性能源上会更好。Public money of this scale would be better spent on renewables.

簇状萎缩的前列腺腺泡伴发增生性改变。Clusters of atrophic prostatic acini with proliferative changes.