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山东是11届全运会的东道主。Shandong is the host of the 11th National Games.

这些天11届全运会是最热门的电视节目了。These days the 11th National Games are the hottest TV shows.

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同奥运会一样,全运会在中国也是一项盛大的赛事。With the Games, the National Games in China is also a grand event.

哇,如果我没有记错的话,这是他在全运会上赢得的第三块金牌。Wow, if I am correct, it is the third gold medal he won in the national games.

据新华社报道,河南赛艇队19日退出第11届全运会所有赛程。Henan Monday pulled its rowing team out of the 11th National Games, Xinhua reported.

本届全运会吸引了来自全国各地的运动员和记者。The National Games attracted many athletes and reporters from throughout the country.

全运会是在我国举行的规模最大、层次和水平最高的综合性运动会。The National Games is the largest-scale, highest-level and a comprehensive game in China.

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第5届城运会与第9届全运会奖牌数相比江苏增长最快。The fastest increasing of medals between 9th National Games and 5th City Games is the Jiangsu province.

接下来的游泳正式比赛,我会以更加热情周到的服务为全运会增光添彩。The next swimming race, I will be more warm and thoughtful service to add luster to the National Games.

城运会的规模仅次于全运会,它包括许多奥运会比赛项目。The Urban sports meet is next in scope to the National Games, and includes many Olympic category events.

1993年,参加在北京举行的第七届全运会,与队友合作,获女子团体冠军。In 1993, held in Beijing to participate in the Seventh National Games, and teammates, by the women's team.

因为本届省运会是为2013年全运会提前“演练”,所以本届省运会对兴奋剂采取“零容忍”政策。The games will adopt zero tolerance against doping as it is the rehearsal of China's National Games in 2013.

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不管是运动员、教练员还是济南广大市民,都对这次全运会倾注了极大热情。Whether athletes, coaches, or the general public in Jinan, have devoted great deal of enthusiasm to the Games.

此次胜利使这位前世界纪录保持者成为中国首位全运会三连胜的运动员。The victory made the former record holder become the first Chinese athlete to win an event in three straight Games.

接下来,刘翔将参加10月在山东省济南市举行的第十一届全运会。Liu`s next race will be at China`s 11th National Games to be held in Ji`nan, east China`s Shandong Province in October.

全运会品牌形象具有历史性、民族性、文化性体育性、地区性和国际性的特点。The brand has the characteristics of historic, nationalism, culture, culture, sports, regionalism and internationalism.

她带我参观了正在建设中的全运会比赛场馆,非常漂亮,非常壮观。我也去了趵突泉、大明湖。She took me to visit the under construction in the National Games competition venues, very beautiful, very spectacular 2.

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全运会是我国最高级别的比赛,它反映了各省竞技体育实力。The National Games is the top-level sports competition, which reflects the strength of competitive sports of each province.

对山东省菏泽市气象局的CTL713C天气雷达在全运会期间出现的一次天线追摆故障进行了分析与处理。The antenna recovery swing failure of the CTL713C weather radar at Heze during the 11th Chinese National Games is analyzed.

苏志顺是青岛大学数字媒体专业的大三学生,同时也是第十一届山东全运会的一名志愿者。Su, abercrombie , a junior in digital media at Qingdao University, volunteered to work for the 11th National Games in Shandong.