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但有生气的朝代已经结束。But the dynamic dynasty has gone.

明代是铸造铁狮子最多的朝代。Most of them were cast in Ming dynasty.

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朝代不同,眉毛的式样也不同。Shapes of eyebrows varied in different dynasties.

古老朝代在这个外景拍摄地重现。Old dynasty is reviving at this outside shooting set.

各朝代均有不同风格的长刀。Various dynasty have the different style rimmer knife.

没有哪个朝代如此热衷于漂泊和睁眼看世界。No dynasty had been so cosmopolitan and outward-looking.

虽然是同一个国号,却是两个朝代。Although the country is the same one, but it is two dynasties.

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血统只在延续朝代的时候起作用。Mystical bloodlines are only important when continuing a dynasty.

血统只在连续朝代的时候起作用。Mystical bloodlines are only important when continuing a dynasty.

有时一个朝代甚至会有多部官方史书。Sometimes there are multiple official history of the same dynasty.

清代是我国文字狱最多的朝代。The Qing Dynasty is our country literary inquisition most dynasty.

在有的朝代,酒税还与徭役及其他税赋形式有关。In some dynasties, liquor tax with corvee and other tax related forms.

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按照传统习惯,中国朝代以夏朝开始。The history of the dynasties traditionally begins with the Xia Dynasty.

白云观建于哪一朝代?是谁为谁而建?In which dynasty was the White Cloud Taoist Temple constructed? For whom?

中国最古老的已证实的朝代是商朝,开始于公元前1200年。The oldest proven Chinese dynasty is the Shang, which started in 1200 BC.

慈禧朝代朝代相册一本,全套8张,可以找专家鉴定!价格面议!Empress dynasty dynasty album a full set of 8, you can find experts! Price!

我可无意要求大家把中国二十四五个朝代都背记下来。I am not going to ask you to learn by heart the 24 or 25 dynasties of China.

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公元589年,隋统一了全国,不过,这个朝代仅仅维持了几十年。In 589, the Sui restored the empire, but this dynasty lasted only a few decades.

农民起义频频爆发,表明这个朝代的大数已尽。Frequent burst of peasant uprisings showed that the dynasties' days were numbered.

同时,他们重构了那些朝代的气候模式。At the same time, they reconstructed climate patterns over the period under review.