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我今天刚拣到一个人头!Today I just picked up a head!

一张牌是插在两张人头牌中。A card is put between two picture cards.

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这些祭品就叫做“人头馒头”。This offering was called "Steamed-bun head".

长时间看电视使人头脑迟钝。Watching TV for a long time dulls one's wits.

它相当于人头发丝的二十分之一那样细。It's one-twentieth the thickness of a human hair.

中国有成千上万的钢琴家为出人头第而拼挣。Millions of pianists in China were vying for fame.

不得征收人头税或其它直接税。No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid.

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三楼上有一堆死人头呢。On the third flight lay a heap of dead men's heads.

在大多数的游戏中,人头牌代表了十点。NO02, In most games, face cards have a value of ten.

那颗人头血淋淋的,眼睛被抠出来了。His head, anyway. All blood and his eyes half gouged.

来往车辆嘈杂的声浪使人头痛。The clamour of the heavy traffic gave you a headache.

对其不能表示尊敬,也不会表示尊敬,正如我们曾经谈论人头税一样。Can't pay, won't pay, as we once said of the poll tax.

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思想观念是客观事实在人头脑中的主观再现。An idea is the subjective evocation of an objective fact.

世界上最聪明噶人头先背住我噶书包跳佐出去啦!The world's smartest man just bailed out with my backpack!

上一次数人头是2000年,当时该国有12.9亿人。At last count in 2000, the country had 1.29 billion people.

人头涌涌的游行队伍与旁边冷清的车道成了强烈的对比!What a huge contrast between the crowded march and empty road.

商场和酒楼再次人头涌涌。Shoing malls and restaurants are once again teeming with people.

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只消我说一个字,管叫你人头落地。I have but to speak the word, and your head will lie at your feet.

商场和酒楼再次人头涌涌。Shopping malls and restaurants are once again teeming with people.

个人技术创新展这里依然是人头涌涌。There are still so many people in personal invention exhibition area.