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快乐,悲伤,全都历历在目。Happiness, sadness, all vividly.

十年前的场景历历在目⋯⋯This was the scene of ten years ago.

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当年的情景仍然历历在目。The scene was still fresh in our memory.

一提起她的名字,许多往事历历在目。As her name comes up, many memories arise.

一切看起来似乎历历在目,却又无法触及。Everything seems clear, but we can't touch.

事实上,我记得很清楚,历历在目。So I remember that very well, as matter of fact.

想想这些年的情景,还是历历在目。Think of the scenes over the years, still vividly clear.

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我们童年时代的光景还历历在目。Scenes from our childhood still appear vividly before us.

对于那些了解历史的人来说,这是一种似曾相识的情形——确实历历在目。For those who know their history, it’s déjà vu all over again — literally.

偶尔,我会回想起我们的初遇,一切仍然历历在目。Occasionally I think back the moment when I met you, it seems like no long.

但是远处仍然是波光鳞鳞的大海,那大船历历在目。But the sea still shone in the distance and the ship was plainly discernible.

唯一能记得的是,我完全沉浸在了罗马人的世界里,而且那些画面至今还历历在目。All I can remember, and vividly, was my complete immersion in the Roman world.

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那张年幼的脸,使西莉亚历历在目地回想起十六年前布鲁斯这么大的…The young face reminded Celia sharply of Bruce at the same age, sixteen years ago.

据说人在弥留于人世之际都要回顾他的一生,就像看一部影片,一切历历在目。It is said that a dying person tends to recollect his whole life, like seeing a film.

同时,你们有多少人被过去历历在目的记忆一遍一遍的折磨?And how many of you vividly remember past unpleasant experiences, over and over again?

在柏林墙倒塌20年后,很多痛苦景象依然历历在目。Twenty years after its fall, the Berlin Wall still evokes a variety of painful images.

我小心翼翼地开始倒转行驶方向,我这样小心是因为我上次摔的倒栽葱还历历在目。Very cautiously, for I remembered my former headlong fall, I began to reverse my motion.

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如果它让你重现像MK-ULTRA这样预料不到却历历在目的过往经历的话,请停止阅读此手册,并立即寻求医护人员的帮助。If you’re having MK-ULTRA flashbacks, stop reading this and seek immediate medical attention.

费舍尔说科比的要求让第3场比赛还历历在目,同时也让第3场比赛的失利消声匿迹。Fisher said doing that requires both keeping the Game 3 loss close, and also letting go of it.

我对细节的记忆很糟糕,但我对于你作为一个孩子是多么珍贵的记忆仍然历历在目。My memory for specifics is terrible but my memory for how precious you were as a child is vivid.