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而且,porcelaine曾经就是这种软体动物的名称。The name of the mollusk was porcelaine.

它们吃其他的鱼类、甲壳类、软体动物和章鱼。They eat other fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and octopus.

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有一个软体动物,他走着去找一个海参。There was this mollusk and he walks up to a sea cucumber.

他那像软体动物一样的智商,在他那大脸上开了花。It blew up in his face, as he is about as talented as a mollusc.

OIE是制定鱼类、甲壳类和软体动物标准的组织。OIE is a standard-setting body for fish, crustaceans and molluscs.

全年各类群生物中,平均生物量及栖息密度都以软体动物居首位。The molluscs were the first in biomass and density of the benthos.

这个软体动物以过滤海水捕捉微生物为食。This mollusk feeds by filtering water, catching miniscule animals.

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海中还有大量像乌贼一样躲在礁石下软体动物。There were large reef communities that harbored squidlike nautiloids.

指寄生虫对软体动物造成的损伤的器官、组织等。The impaired organ, tissue, etc. Of mollusc host caused by parasitism.

包括类似蛤和牡蛎的软体动物,以及礁石结构的珊瑚。These include mollusks like clams and oysters, and reef-building corals.

附近可以建水产养殖中心,喂养鱼、虾和软体动物等。An adjacent aquaculture center could also raise fish, shrimp and mollusks.

调查期间采到的软体动物已鉴定52种,其中腹足类45种,双壳类7种。Among 52 species of mollusca identified, 45 were gastropods, 7 were bivalves.

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赫特人与腹足纲软体动物最为相似,以一只巨大的腹足挪动身躯。Hutts most closely resemble gastropods, moving about on a single, giant foot.

任一种海栖软体动物,如滨螺,长有螺旋形的壳。Any of various marine gastropods, such as a periwinkle, having a spiral shell.

跟乌贼一样,鹦鹉螺是游动的有触须的软体动物,属于头足纲动物。Like squid, they were swimming tentacled molluscs-a group called the cephalopods.

它们象鱿鱼一样是游动的触手软体动物,这类软体动物被称为头足类动物。Like squid, they were swimming tentacled molluscs—a group called the cephalopods.

这些额外的时形成的碎片进入软体动物在收获过程。They are formed when extra debris enters a mollusk during the harvesting process.

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贝壳化石见证了软体动物几百万年的进化史。Fossil seashells trace the evolution of various mollusks throughmillions of years.

各种不同的软体动物,可以用化石海贝来追溯长达几百万年的演化史。Fossil seashells trace the evolution of various mollusks through millions of years.

指对医学软体动物卵的描述,包括卵的形状、大小、颜色、卵壳及其他特征。Description of the medical mollusc egg, including egg shape, size, colour, egg shell.