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克林顿将在1996年成为总统。Clinton in 96.

我成为了一个实干家。I became a Doer.

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但是他值得成为年度人物吗?But is he worthy?

我成为了呻吟者。I became a moaner.

就让它成为过去吧。Let it be bygones.

他成为了我的桑克。He became my Cinqué.

这成为他的座右铭。It became his motto.

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暂且就成为合伙人博弈吧So Partnership Game.

现在那已成为历史。Now, that is history.

后来她成为了一个评论家。She becomes a critic.

成为戴绿帽者的状况。To make a cuckold of.

白天慢慢地成为黑夜了。Day passed into night.

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狂怒现在成为巧妙的技能。Fury now became skill.

我想成为一个梦想者。I want to be a deamer.

他会成为新的西格诺里吗?Is he the new Signori?

我们一定要成为朋友。We have to be friends.

你将成为什么,本?What will you be, Ben?

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成为社交领袖。Be a gregarious leader.

成为实践理想主义者?Be practical idealists?

弼成为此,引咎辞职。Bute into this, resign.