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不用搓揉,自由应用。No rubbing, mess-free application.

在水下搓揉双手时数数,一直数到20,还要用上肥皂——仅靠冲洗无法做到真正除菌。Count to 20 while rubbing hands under

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互相搓揉您的双手,直到它们发热为止。Rub your hands together until they are warm.

他的呼吸变缓,两只手互相搓揉着。His breathing slowed and he kneaded his hands.

比佐通过搓揉报纸,带我们体验了一次密林探险。Bizot made us explore the forest with the newspaper kneading.

在砧板上搓揉搅匀的面粉,直到变得软且有弹性。Knead the mixture on a lightly floured board until smooth and elastic.

洗面霜,以温水搓揉至起泡后,轻轻按洗脸部,再以清水洗净即可。Pump 2cm, lather over entire face, then rinse well with lukewarm warm.

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早晚坚持搓揉脚心,以促进血液循环。Sooner orlater persisted the foot heart, promotes the blood circulation.

将筛过得面粉和发粉加入,用手搓揉成面团。Fold in sifted flours and baking powder, use hand to knead and forms dough.

贾菲发现,当搓揉植株时,植物放出的。Jaffe found that when rubbed plants give off increased amounts of ethylene.

然后用指腹在黑斑部分打圈搓揉。Then a finger pulp is used to massage by drawing circles on the black spots.

在牛皮纸上搓揉生面并加上配料。Roll your dough on parchment paper, add toppings and lift it all onto the tile.

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徐徐加入水搓揉成柔软粉团,盖上湿布,静待30分钟。Gently add the water and knead to soft dough, cover with damp cloth for 30 minutes.

每日日夕搓揉耳廓各60次,使耳部发烧有炙烤感为宜。Daily Rixi rub ear 60 times each, so that the ear have a fever have burn is appropriate.

蕺菜因为搓揉新鲜叶子会有强烈鱼腥味,所以又叫鱼腥草。The Chameleon plant has strong fish smell when its leaves are crushed, so it is also named "Fish wort."

或者细心的把拿来擦PP的报纸,搓揉几次,以达到柔软度!Attentive perhaps take the paper that brushs PP, rub is kneaded a few times, in order to achieve pliability!

淋浴者通常先将自己用水淋湿,以肥皂搓揉,最后用水及毛巾将自己洗净。The bather simply stands under the water, gets wet, scrubs with soap and often a washcloth, and then rinses off.

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手心与脸沾湿,搓揉面皂充分起泡后画圈方式按摩脸部,再用清水彻底冲洗乾净即可。Wet your palm and face, rub against the soap until bubbles appear and massage all over the face and rinse off with water.

橡皮点针织刷马手套不仅能保持刷马者双手的干净,它同时也是搓揉手和腿的完美工具。Knit grooming gloves with rubber dots not only keep your hands clean but also are perfect for hand rubbing the hand and legs.

按压一次的份量,置于手心搓揉出泡沫后,轻轻按摩全脸,以清水洗净。Pump once into palms and create a lather using lukewarm water. Envelop your face in the lather to cleanse skin. Rinse thoroughly.