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我的脸撞到了,尝到血腥味。My face hit and I tasted blood.

我看不得血腥场面。I can't stand the sight of blood.

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穆罕默德阿里清真寺充满血腥味。Mehemet Ali's mosque smells of blood.

难道北约还没有满足他的血腥的欲望吗?Hasn't NATO slaked his lust for blood?

白得惨淡,蓝得忧郁,最重要是红得血腥。Red white and blue, accent on the red.

不吓人,略血腥,很搞笑,无节操。Zombie isn't my thing. Too much blood.

每一场战斗都比以往更加血腥。Each fighting season is bloodier than the last.

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革命充满了暴力、骚乱和血腥。A revolution is violent, turbulent and sanguinary.

那个血腥的哥患有脑动脉瘤,他已经撑不了几天了。The taxi driver had a brain aneurism. He was dying.

另一家“电影厂”的恐怖片充满血腥。Thriller of another 'dream factory' was too bloody.

我真不愿再生活在这血腥的皇族里了。I just don't want to be in this bloody royal family.

我爱好写血腥的故事因为我就是喜欢这个。I love writing bloody stories because I just like it.

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弥林人渴望能看到血腥而非技艺。It was blood the Meereenese yearned to see, not skill.

大家都不想血腥恶斗,所以他们会保住战利品。No one wants bloody fights, so they keep their prizes.

在接收端那些退出了血腥的斗牛场。Those on the receiving end exited the bloody bullring.

如果法庭提起起诉,情况会不会变得更加血腥?Will things get bloodier if the indictment goes ahead?

这就是一切血腥历史的总根子。This is the root of all the bloody history of the total.

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然而,它却无处不在,无时不见血腥。Yet we see it everywhere, becoming bloodier all the time.

严禁贴任何暴力血腥图片。Here is not allowed to post any Blood-and-thunder picture.

轻舔开裂的上唇,我又尝到血腥味。I tasted blood again, gingerly touched my split upper lip.