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这是可以任选的功能部件。This is an optional feature.

你可以在这图书目录中任选两本。You may pick out any two books listed here.

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蕃茄蛋花紫菜酸辣海鲜任选!Tomato egg flower laver acid seafood choose!

不。不管怎样,贵公司可以从两种办法中任选其一。No. Anyhow, you can choose either of the two.

从基部至某一任选高处的距离。Optional height from the base to a certain distance.

有棕刷、毛刷任选一种。Optional selection for Brass brush, nature hair brush.

“六英尺还不够深”等字样的黄铜饰板中任选其一,价值30美元。and "Six feet isn't deep enough," and costs 30 dollars.

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任选地,所述烯烃石脑油含低含量的酸。Optionally the olefinic naphtha has a low content of acids.

如果我能任选居处,我希望住在那里?If you could live any place in the world, where would it be?

在下列两个题目中任选其一,撰写5-7页的论文作业。Please write a 5-7 page essay on one of the following two topics.

心灵花园艾尚格真爱摩登时代幸运树五款任选其一!The garden of love, love of modern times Lucky Tree five choose one!

如果国王愿意,他可以从中任选一个少女作为他未来的妃子。If he wishes, he can choose one of the maidens to become his future wife.

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以上色拉任选一种,配全麦面包,新鲜果汁或咖啡,茶和时令水果盘。Served with whole wheat bread, Fresh juice or coffee, tea and seasonal fruit.

“好啦!”安东尼欢喜若狂。姨妈,我们可以任选喜欢吃的食物吗?”"Yahoo! " cheered Anthony. "Can we pick and choose whatever we like, Auntie?"

该组合物还可任选地包含一种或多种短链醇。The composition may optionally also comprise one or more short-chain alcohols.

能够,任选采用弹射器发射和降落伞回收。Can, optionally, be launched from a catapult and retrieved by parachute deployment.

可任选嘉里咖啡厅自助午餐或中餐厅中式围餐标准菜单。Choice of buffet lunch at Café Galleria or Chinese set lunch at Chinese Restaurant.

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青色、蓝色、紫色、绿色,任选其中一、二、三色均可。Among indigo blue, blue, purple and green, one may select one color, or two , or three.

从所处环境中任选一个事物,比如一块砖,或者正拴着你的暖气片。Pick a feature of your environment, such as a brick, or the radiator you're chained to.

这些多肽任选与肺炎球菌糖联用。These polypeptides may optionally be used in combination with pneumococcal saccharides.