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他总是爱跟男孩抛眉眼!She keeps flirting with boys.

不管有多难熬,人生都要眉眼带笑。No matter how tough, life should be smiling.

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双唇,眉眼,额头新生的皱纹。Lips, eyes, eyebrows and the new lines in her forehead.

她常常会抚着我的头发,吃饭的时候,也会盯着我的眉眼走神。She often stroking my hair, eat, also staring at my eyes wander.

图中如此展示了诸位电影明星的眉眼并意图从中找出理想中的美丽的眼睛。Here, a chart of movie star glances aims to sum up the beauty of the eye.

眉眼语是人体语言的重要组成部分。The expression of eyes is one of the most important parts in body language.

我赞美上帝的不公,他赐予你这样的眉眼和嘴唇。I praise the Lord for his unfairness of bestowing such pair of eyes and the lips.

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这可是一场非常彻底的抨击打击战,眉眼功夫和柔腔细调都要用上。It was to be a very thorough attack, thus looks and undertones were to be well tried.

而那眉眼轻挑的却是暗暗剜了德妃一眼。But that eyebrow eye easily pick of yet is secretly a Wan chaste regal concubine's one eye.

天已大亮了,我这才看清了女孩儿的面容,她眉眼清秀。It was in the daytime that I could clearly see her face---a beautiful girl with delicate features.

你又出现在我面前。眉眼低垂。转身带走一整个城市的雨水。You reappeared before me, lowing your head. Your turning about brought away the rain of the whole city.

一部好的作品是一个不可割裂的有机整体,即使撷取了它的眉眼,也失去了它的灵魂。A good work is a organic entirety that can not be cut apart, even if just the eyes are taken, the soul will be lost.

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算不上美丽,平常的眉眼,从最初的稚气的蘑菇头到现在的长卷发。Cannot include beautiful , ordinary eye and brow, from the initial childishness mushroom head to long crimped hair now.

她的好,让我惶恐,我以为她对我应该是恨呢,因为我的出现,眉眼里全摆明了她男人的背叛。Her good, let my fear, I think she should I hate it, because of my appearance, then all is clear that her man 's betrayal.

他面容清俊,温润如玉,笑起来的时候眉眼透出的,都是极温暖的味道。His noodles permits pure handsome, Wen Run is like jade, time smile eyebrow eye profoundly of, is the all the warmest flavor.

年轻俊美的公子,眉眼间淡淡的哀愁,都是为了那个死去的青萝吗?The childe of young handsome United States, eyebrow eye is a touch of sorrow, all because the sake of the green Luo of that dying?

眉眼间细微的变化或是简单地换一个姿势要么能成就一张照片,要么能毁掉一张照片。The very slight movement of an eye or a simple change in body position can make or break the shot. Capturing some part of this what I live for.

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亭中的小姑娘眉眼含笑看着塘中的少年,晃着脚丫,唱着不成曲的小调。Young girl eyebrow within station the eye is wearing a smile to looking at the youngster in the pond, swing feet of Ya, sing not to chance the melody of melody.

这里分析了清代各个时期龙袍上龙纹眉眼的时代特征,以作为龙袍和龙纹断代的一个指标。This paper analyses temporal characters of different periods of Qing Dynasty, making these characters an indicator dividing the history of dragon robes and motifs into periods.

怀揣着一份期许,在秋的眉眼间,看生命的繁花,开满了岁月的轩窗,轻拾文字的诗心,让婉约的心事,在秋的柔曼的心曲里轻舞。Carries an expectation, in the autumn of facial features, looks at the life of the flowers, full of years the porch window, light up the writing of poem heart, make subtle mind.