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头盖骨烛台?Cranium candelabra?

头盖骨在什么地方?Where is your cranium?

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我看到了唐三藏的头盖骨。I saw Monk Tang San Zang's head bone.

他边讲边让我们传着看一个头盖骨。He passed around a skull as he talked.

这就像一个头盖骨,看起来很尴尬。It's like a skullcap and looks so awkward.

在吉拉头盖骨的颅顶骨的区域有个伤口。A cranial trauma with a wound in the parietal region.

一个材质非凡的人,头盖骨被开了,并注满了铀A brainiac, with a cranium packed, full of more uranium

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有骨骼之宫之称的雷家就收有7000种头盖骨。The "Bone Palace" of Ray Bandar is home to 7000 skulls.

用头盖骨做盆莳植保守微型盆景。Use human skull as a pot to grow a traditional mini-bonsai.

它们的头盖骨已经适应了以海豹肉和脂肪为主的饮食结构。Their skulls have adapted to a diet of mostly seal meat and blubber.

能不能揭开你的头盖骨,在你的脑子里植入些电子小玩意呢?May I cut open your skull and implant some electronic gizmos in there?

很多原发性水脑症的病例有圆且突出的头盖骨。Many congenital hydrocephalics have a dome-shaped, prominent calvarium.

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疣猪呈梯形的头盖骨看上去仿佛就是从毕加索的名画“格尔尼卡”中走出来的怪物。The warthog's trapezoidal skull is straight out of Picasso's "Guernica."

粗暴乐趣的新版本,捣毁击中了棋,头盖骨?The newest version of the outrageously fun, smash-hit board game, Cranium?

“他那么用力地抓着我的头,”她边说边把手放在头盖骨附近示意。“He held my head so hard here, ” shesaid, putting her hands to her cranium.

人的头盖骨上最坚硬的部位是在前额部分,用这个部位顶球可以发出最大的力量。The hardest part of the skull is the forehead so use that for maximum power.

但美洲豹咬起来异常凶猛,有时候它甚至能咬碎猎物的头盖骨。But a jaguar's bite is so strong, it can actually crush the hard skull of its prey.

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夜深人静,查理将装有真头盖骨的箱子藏到停尸房柜子里。That night, Charlie will be a really skull box hidden to the morgue in the cupboard.

近日,秘鲁发现的一组宛若木乃伊造型细长头盖骨,科学家大胆猜测该头骨或许能证明外星人的存在。A mummified elongated skull found in Peru could finally prove the existence of aliens.

在拜伦岛,一条大须鲸的头盖骨依赖于一条潮溪――直到下一次暴风雨。On Byron Island, the skull of a sei whale rests in a tidal creek—until the next storm.