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他住在本家附近。He lives near Ben.

也没有蔷薇花蕾在附近。No rosebud is nigh.

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一只猫头鹰在附近啼叫。An owl hooted nearby.

拉森附近没有宾馆饭店。Lassen has no hotels.

我想问问附近有没有的士高?Is here a disco near by?

附近有没有一匹马?Is there a horse nearby?

它在鱼缸附近。It's mear the fish bowl.

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我去垦丁附近远足。I go hiking near Kenting.

请问附近有没有的士高?。Is there a disco near by?

它在航空售票处附近。It's near the Air Office.

我在这附近掉了我的门钥匙。I lost the key about here.

附近有两个石制澡盆。And two stone tubs near it.

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你看到文斯在附近吗?Have you seen Vince around?

我住在市中心附近。I'm living vicino a centro.

我想问问附近有没有公车站?Is here a bus stop near by?

哥里市附近燃烧的森林。Burning forest next to Gori.

我想问问附近有没有西饼店?Is here a cake shop near by?

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附近有女厕所吗?Is there a Ladies near here?

附近有公用电话吗?Is there a pay phone nearby?

观察你附近的区域是否有基督教青年会。See if your area has a YMCA.