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顾委会将成为香港电台的「太上皇」?Would Panel Be RTHK's Overlord?

太上皇有三千多姑娘呢。The old Emperor had three thousand palace maids.

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八月十五之夜,杨通幽引太上皇魂魄来到月宫,与杨玉环相会。At the night of August 15, Emperor Tang's soul comes to the moon to meet Yang Yuhuan.

刚结婚时,我这个人最怕的就是老婆,朋友们都说她是我的太上皇。While just getting married, I most afraid of be a wife, the friends all say her to be my emperor's father.

你知道什么是变量范围,你对你的变量有完全的控制,你就像太上皇似的的注视着它们。You know what variable scope is, you have full control over your variables and watch them like an overlord.

要多作调查研究,想办法,出主意,不可包办代替,更不能当“太上皇”,发号施令。Should be more research, think of ways to come up with ideas, not acting on their behalf, let alone when the "overlord" orders.

当然,最好是撤回设立顾问委员会的决定,使「太上皇」根本就没有「干政」的空间。It would of course be best for the government to reverse its decision to set it up. If it does so, no overlord will meddle in RTHK's affairs.

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靖康内讧是宋徽宗后期皇位继承权之争的继续和发展,其要害在于皇帝与太上皇帝是否应当分割以及如何分割皇权。Jing Kang conflict is the continuation and development of struggle for the right of succession to the emperorship in the late Song Hui Zong period.

金治权认为时机成熟,于是展开行动拥立太上皇,企图推翻太宗,并威逼利诱兵判协助。Golds sovereignty think the time is right, then act can establish emperors father, in an attempt to overturn the emperor taizong, and bribed to help.

传说唐太宗李世民发动玄武门政变,杀死兄弟,逼迫父亲唐高祖李渊退位当太上皇,自己登上皇位。Legend of Xuanwumen Tang Taizong Li Shimin launched a coup, killing brothers, forced to step down when his father Emperor Tang Gaozu Li Yuan overlord himself on the imperial throne.

这样的顾委会,类如在幕后指手划脚的「太上皇」,会否冲击港台的编辑自主,压缩港台的言论自由空间,值得密切关注。Such a board of advisers would be like an overlord that gives orders behind the scenes. Would that curtail RTHK's editorial independence and freedom of speech?That is worth close attention.

这样的顾委会,类如在幕后指手划脚的「太上皇」,会否冲击港台的编辑自主,压缩港台的言论自由空间,值得密切关注。Such a board of advisers would be like an overlord that gives orders behind the scenes. Would that curtail RTHK's editorial independence and freedom of speech? That is worth close attention.