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这是一台现代的鼻窦手术。This is modern sinus surgery.

好几周我的牙龈、牙齿、下巴、鼻窦阵痛不止。For weeks my gums, teeth, jaw and sinuses throbbed.

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极力推荐给那些鼻窦阻塞和头痛的人使用。I highly recommend Congest Away for sinus headache and congestion.

鼻窦电脑断层呈现一个有显影的骨破坏肿瘤。Sinus computed tomography presented an enhancing, bone-destructing tumor.

这是因为,鼻窦穿刺手术不会触及到发生慢性鼻窦炎的根本原因。That's because surgery doesn't touch the root cause of chronic sinusitis.

现在,她每年只得三四次鼻窦感染,而不像以前那样至少五次鼻窦感染。Now she has three or four sinus infections a year instead of five or more.

你会感觉到你的心都跳了出来,似乎一切事物的节奏都慢了下来,视野也变窄了,曾经堵塞的鼻窦现在也畅通了,就连长期困扰着你的肘部的腱炎也似乎暂时消失了。Your vision seems to have narrowed. Your once clogged sinuses are now clear.

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如果您患有鼻腔或鼻窦疾病不推荐使用尼古丁鼻腔喷雾器。Nicotine nasal spray isn't recommended if you have a nasal or sinus condition.

目的探讨鼻窦骨化纤维瘤的CT诊断。OBJECTIVE To improve the CT diagnosis of ossifying fibroma in paranasal sinus.

感冒、过敏还会进一步发展成哮喘、鼻窦感染或者鼻窦炎。Asthma and sinus infections, or sinusitis, can develop from colds or allergies.

结果CT能清晰显示微小鼻甲泡,对鼻窦解剖结构及变异的显示满意。Results CT demonstrated small CB and the detailed anatomy and variations of OMC.

电脑断层摄影发现一巨大鼻窦肿瘤伴随眼窝侵犯。Computed tomography revealed a huge sinonasal tumor with orbital wall destruction.

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目的探讨鼻腔及鼻窦恶性黑色素瘤的CT诊断价值。Objective To evaluate CT scanning in the diagnosis of nasal and paranasal melanoma.

会使得鼻子内壁和鼻窦湿润,减少感染的可能性。It keeps the lining of the nose and sinuses moist and less susceptible to infection.

福尔曼曾在两年前做过鼻窦手术,当时她64岁,她已经尝试过了一切方法。Foreman had sinus surgery two years ago, when she was 64, after trying everything else.

鼻水由清变黄或白色伴有鼻子或鼻窦阻塞。Discharge may be clear to yellow or milky and accompanied by nasal and sinus congestion.

是鼻内镜鼻窦手术首先要开放的气房。Is air compartment which in the nose the mirror paranasal sinus surgery must first open.

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头颈部的神经鞘瘤并不多见,发生于鼻腔及鼻窦者更属罕有。Schwannomas in the head and neck region are uncommon, especially from the sinonasal tract.

含有可收缩血管帮助鼻窦畅通的药物成分。Nose drops or inhalations containing drugs that contract Blood vessels help drain the sinuses.

鼻滴剂或吸入剂含有可收缩血管帮助鼻窦畅通的药物成分。Nose drops or inhalations containing drugs that contract Blood vessels help drain the sinuses.