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涌入它的钢铁之躯。Pours into its steel.

将给我束上钢铁的腰带。Shall girdle me with steel.

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接着又是大炼钢铁。And then there was the steel.

我的剪刀由钢铁构成。My scissors are made of steel.

钢铁是战略物资。Steel is a strategic material.

钢铁工人有证据吗?Do the steelworkers have a case?

钢铁就是这样炼成。It is how the steel was tempered.

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那是座钢铁结构的桥梁。It's a bridge of steel framework.

钢铁四肢本非我物。These steel limbs are not my own.

磁石吸钢铁。A magnet attracts iron and steel.

在我的触摸下,钢铁也变得温暖了。Even the steel iswarm to my touch.


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雪花掩盖了钢铁的岁月…Already snow submerges an iron year...

钢铁工业被解除国有化了。The steel industry was denationalized.

窗户的防护格栅必须是钢铁制造的。The screens have to be made from steel.

钢铁几乎是其中最可再生的材料。And steel is the most recycled material.

凌源钢铁集团公司。Lingyuan Iron and Steel Group Co. , Ltd.

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凌源钢铁集团有限责任公司。Lingyuan Steel and Iron Group Co. , Ltd.

马伦•贝克关注水泥与钢铁行业。Mallen Baker considers cement and steel.

我以青铜和钢铁的名义起誓。I swear it by bronze and iron. "- Meera".