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那所学校因经费不足而暂时停办。The school suspended for lack of finances.

不管人们用不用电子阅读器,估计2010年会有更多的报纸停办。Expect more of them to fold in 2010, e-readers or no.

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公元394年,罗马皇帝蒂奥多西斯下诏停办奥运会。In A. D. 394 the Roman emperor Theodosius I ordered them stopped.

我们现在可以接受并审理了,许多年来我们停办了这项业务。Yes, we accept it now, after it has been suspended for many years.

还有一些人认为停办此节目的真凶是“审查制度”。Others say censorship is the real reason for the show's cancelation.

如果得不到更多财政援助,学校就得停办。Unless given more financial assistance, the school will have to close.

他们说如果我再来参赛,他们干脆就停办比赛。They said that if we entered again they would stop having the tournament.

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火车服务从午夜到清晨4点停办,以便修护。Train service will be suspended from midnight to 4 a. m. to permit repairs.

停办10年后再次举行的省第四届职工运动会昨日在杭降下帷幕。The Fourth Employees Sports Meet closed yesterday in Hangzhou after 10 years' halt.

经过5年的停办,美国公告牌音乐奖重回荧屏。After a five-year hiatus, the Billboard Music Awards officially returned in the United States.

他们不愿看到我们的国家陷入经济崩溃、或是让孩子们挨饿、或者学校停办。They don't want to see our country fall into financial ruin, or have children go hungry, or see schools fail.

1971年,三江学校因社会环境改变及会所改建等原因停办。In 1971, Sam Kiang Public School stopped again due to the social environmental factor and the rebuilding of the premises.

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不久前,由于还款问题,国内大部分商业银行开始停办大学生信用卡。Recently, China`s major commercial banks stopped handing out credit cards to college students because of payment problems.

征文比赛在第二年就停办了,因为汤森和校方无法就征文主题达成一致。Essay contests after the first yearwere discontinued because Townshend and the university could not agree on essayquestions.

中华公所警民会议每年在暑假期间停办两个月,下次会议将于九月五日举行。The CCBA police-community forum host no meeting in July and August every year. The next meeting will be resumed on September 5.

1942年到1944年游行停办,因为正值二战时期,战争需要大量橡胶和氢气。因此,今年的感恩节游行是第85届。The parade was suspended from 1942 to 1944 because rubber and helium were needed for World War II, making this parade the 85th.

保险业在中国是一个新兴产业,自1979年才正式恢复了停办20年之久的国内保险业务。Insurance industry is a new-style one , which has been closed down for 20 years and then be furbished in the year of 1979 in China.

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她曾经是一个停办了的杂志的记者,但是并没有很多相关的工作经验,这是她主要的障碍。She used to be a reporter for a magazine that folded, but doesn't have a lot of relevant work experience, which is her main obstacle.

但是近年来,很多保险公司却先后停办了短期健康险的业务。Despite of the strong demand from the market, many of Short term health businesses were suspended by a lot of insurers in recent years.

乡土菜大赛为何停办呢?为何作者有如此一翻感想呢?大赛何时再举办?敬请拭目以待!Why local food competition to close down? Why the author has doubled this feel? Competition organized by the date of the next? Please wait and see!