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这是我们的诅咒。It is our curse.

我诅咒你堕入地狱!I curse you in hell!

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没有人诅咒沙皇。None curse the Czar.

去他妈的诅咒!Fuck damnations, man!

我知,这是对我的诅咒-什么?I know. It's a curse.

杰克诅咒了一声。Jack emitted a curse.

被诅咒的人是残忍的。The cursed are cruel.

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这是那些被诅咒的人These are the damned.

你真该遭诅咒。You should be sodded.

该诅咒的坏运气。Blame the rotten luck.

他咬牙切齿地诅咒。He ground out an oath.

诅咒和亵渎!Curses and blasphemies!

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什么是可憎的诅咒!What an execrable curse!

他觉得所有人都在诅咒他。He felt execrated by all.

解除玛玟夫人的诅咒。Lift Lady Marwen's curse.

路易吉喊着,诅咒着。Luigi shouted and cursed.

金雀花,俗称农民的诅咒。Gorse. The farmers’ curse.

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撒玛利亚是受到诅咒的地方。The Samaritans are accursed.

到诅咒之谷去!To the valley of the damned!

不可诅咒他们“Bless and do not curse them."