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这在生活中俯拾皆是。This is common in our life.

诸如此类的事例俯拾皆是。Instances such as these are extremely common.

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我之所以到意大利是因为我喜欢意大利的艺术,这在锡耶纳俯拾皆是。I picked Italy for its art, and Siena was full of it.

这种浪漫思想在巴肯的书中俯拾皆是。This kind of romanticism is everywhere in Buchan's books.

河北的文物古迹更是俯拾皆是。Hebei is also one of the provinces of many cultural relics.

忘我主义的例子俯拾皆是,广泛存在于人类和其它哺乳动物群体中。Examples of altruism abound, both among humans and among other mammals.

酒醉而成传世诗作,这样的例子在中国诗史中俯拾皆是。Drunk and into his famous, such examples in history of China in negligible.

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预防脑炎的草药在这一地区俯拾皆是。Herbs for the prevention of encephalitis can be found everywhere in this area.

在法律条文和司法实践中,法律英语运用模糊词语的现象俯拾皆是。One of the most important characteristics of legal English is exact in its usage.

日常生活中和孩子们建立爱的联系的机会俯拾皆是。Everyday life is full of opportunities to establish loving connections with our kids.

结果,我发现收获颇丰,书中关于沉默、倾听、祈祷和敬畏等的佳句俯拾皆是。As a result, I have pages and pages of quotes—about silence, listening, prayer and awe.

不过书中俯拾皆是的设计师服饰与奢华游艇,让阅读变得十分有趣。But it is chock-full of designer clothes and fancy yachts that make for a fascinating read.

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然而,在法律条文中以及司法实践中,法律语言运用模糊词语的现象俯拾皆是。One of the most important characteristics of legal language is exactness in its expression.

具有这类行为的系统,从沙堆的崩落到太阳表面的磁焰,俯拾皆是。Such behavior occurs in systems as diverse as avalanches on sandpiles and magnetic flares on the sun.

纵观美声学派各种学说,有关“头声”的论述可以说俯拾皆是。The discussions about "head voice" could be found in all kinds of theories of the school of Bel Canto.

作者们在书中采用举例标注的方式对相关内容进行说明,它们简单易懂并且俯拾皆是。Theauthors also use example scenarios that are relevant, easily understood, andultimately commonplace.

这感觉就像是在海底观赏俯拾皆是的奇异生物。This feels just like being at the bottom of the ocean and seeing all of the amazing creatures1 everywhere.

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路德专门论犹太人的有五篇,而在讲道、上课或桌边谈话中论及犹太人的零散文字更是俯拾皆是。Martin Luther wrote five articles about Jews, and he also spoke them in his sermons, lessons, and table talk.

难民和工人中贩卖妇女和儿童穿越国境到中国,这样的报告俯拾皆是。There were widespread reports of trafficking in women and girls among refugees and workers crossing the border into China.

汉语中有关玉的描写俯拾皆是。许多人说,他们相信玉具有医疗、甚至魔术般的功能。Contemporary Chinese is flecked with references to jade and many people say they believe it has medicinal and even magical powers.