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我想说,没什么一定之规。I mean, there are no rules really.

成功并无一定之规。There is no sure formula for success.

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在安排健康饮食方面,没有什么一定之规。There are no hard and fast rules for planning healthy meals.

你可以变化万千,也可以一成不变,世间万物并无一定之规。You can change or stay the same, there is no rules to these things.

在时间中,美国政府实用的贴现率,无一定之规。In practice, the us government applies discount rates inconsistently.

这些并非一定之规,只是我在布置场景准备喀嚓的时候要考虑的。They’re not ‘rules’ – just things that I consider when setting up a shot.

在印度这个宗教多样化、文化多样化的社会,婚礼并无一定之规。In India's multireligious, multicultural society, there's no set agenda for weddings.

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银行家获得的奖金依然没有一定之规,且受到无数因素的影响,不在自己的掌控之内。The bonus a banker receives is still arbitrary and subject to countless forces beyond his control.

他们可能有他们自己的一定之规,或者他们至少对你是什么样的人、你想要什么有自己的见解。They may have their own agenda, or at least their own perception of who you are and what you want.

当然,在猛冲猛打、勇于打破常规的对冲基金业,一向没有多少可供遵循的一定之规。Of course, in the hard-driving, norm-busting world of hedge funds, there have been few rules to bank on.

在某种程度上,大多数程序员都知道该这么做,但是需要遵守一定之规,才能将其做好。Most programmers know, on some level, to do things like this. But it requires discipline to do it enough.

地勘企业改制操作中许多实际问题的处理没有一定之规。The solution of practical problems on system reform in geological prospecting units has not fixed pattern.

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不管是什么身份,只要能对别人有利,手段并无一定之规。No matter what your identity, as long as they can be beneficial to others, means there is no a fixed pattern.

这没有一定之规,但是呆到很晚总是不礼貌的,因为这就意味着对主人不够体谅。There are no rules, but it is most impolite to stay too late, as it implies a lack of consideration for your hosts.

跟叛乱分子打交道没有一定之规,但是把自己的准确行踪告诉他们是绝对不可以的。There are no sureties when dealing with insurgents, but one rule is not to tell them exactly when you will be in a particular place.

批评这一救援行动的人士说,救援规则不透明,具体执行也没有一定之规,导致人们对美国金融体系迟迟无法恢复信心。Critics of the bailout program say its rules are opaque and its execution ad hoc, leading to a lingering lack of confidence in the the financial system.

事实上,彰显动态的口译思维研究不仅可以揭开口译具体程序的实质,同时也可找寻口译过程中的一定之规。As a matter of fact, the essence of interpretation process and the rules of interpretation can be uncovered with the help of dynamic interpretation study.

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其本质特征是“构造”,用构造法解题,无一定之规,表现出思维的试探性、不规则性和创造性。Its essential character is "structure", with the method of construction problem solving, no sure formula for success, show thinking tentative, more irregular and creativity.

我相信软件工程学是一门不同的和持续变化的学科,没有一定之规可以涵盖其所能发生的所有情况。I believe that software engineering is such a different and constantly changing discipline that no set rules can be applied that would cover any possibility that could occur.

尽管起诉书是一种格式化司法文书,但其事实部分很难有一定之规,在很大程度上依靠实践经验。The description part of the facts of crime in indictment is difficult to standardize and much depends on experiences, although indictment is one of standard judiciary documents.