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罢免案由主席团提请大会审议。The proposal of removal are submitted to the congresses by the presidiums.

议案应当有案由、案据和方案。Bills and proposals submitted shall consist of subjects, grounds and schemes.

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对浮花很重的材料,图案由混排一套卡片而织成。For heavily brocaded materials, the patterns were created by shuffling through a deck of cards.

医疗损害赔偿纠纷是近几年来人民法院受理医疗纠纷案件时最常使用的案由。Recently years, Medical Injury Amends is regular used as the cause of action of medical injury cases by courts.

按照侵权责任法相关规定,增加了具体侵权责任纠纷案由。In accordance with the Tort Liability Law, the decisions added specified cause of the action of tort liability disputes.

这些规则公民必须遵守,违反这些规则会引起诉讼的案由。These rules must be followed by citizens, and violation of these rules may give rise to a cause of action in the courts.

律师必须勇于并且乐于代理不得人心的案由,因为请律师的权利是一种必须。Lawyers must be courageous and willing to represent unpopular causes, because the right to counsel exists as a necessity.

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整个课程包括一系列的课堂讲解和个别教学,其中临床个案由教师群带领讨论。The course is structured as a series of lectures and tutorials in which clinical cases are discussed with faculty tutors.

苹果公司和三星电子有限公司的诉讼纠纷案由美国加州北区的地方法庭受理,案件编号为11-1846。The case in U. S. District Court, Northern District of California is Apple Inc v. Samsung Electronics Co Ltd et al, 11-1846.

每案开庭点呼当事人朗读案由时,法院书记官应宣告当日开庭之日期及时间。Court clerk shall announce the date and time as the court calls for the names of the parties and announce the cause of the case.

“这些“福利”法案由自封的社会提升者起草,他们认为工作的女性不知如何保护自己。”These 'welfare' bills are drafted by self-styled social uplifters who assert that working women do not know enough to protect themselves.

被告援引美国联邦宪法第五修正案规定的“不自证其罪权”对抗原告在其起诉状中第二项案由所包含的每一种诉称。As to Count II, the Defendant invokes his Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination as to each and every allegation contained in Court II.

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修订案由保管人送交所有缔约国以便接受,并通报所有该公约的签字国。The amendment is communicated by the depositary to all the Contracting States for acceptance and to all the States signatories of the Convention for information.

本文以焚烧美国国旗的宪法纷争为案由,讨论了美国言论自由问题中的言论与行为的两分法原则。With constitutional disputes in cases of flag desecration as the main point, this article discusses the speech-action dichotomy in the American freedom of speech.

评值结果发现个案由退缩、无意愿,渐渐出现愿意自我探索的动机,并续发展正向思考的认知与情绪,进而改善其护理问题。The results revealed that the client's motivation to perform self-exploration was increased, her thinking became more positive and her emotions improved gradually.

第一百二十二条人民法院审理民事案件,应当在开庭三日前通知当事人和其他诉讼参与人。公开审理的,应当公告当事人姓名、案由和开庭的时间、地点。Article 122 For civil cases, the people's court shall notify the parties and other participants in the proceedings three days before the opening of a court session.

该上诉案由遗嘱人的两位女儿提起,要求宣告遗嘱中指定被上诉人继承遗产的条款无效并撤销。This action was brought by two of the children of the testator for the purpose of having those provisions of the will in the respondent's favor canceled and annulled.

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第二十九条质询案由委员长会议决定,由受质询机关的负责人在常务委员会会议上或者有关的专门委员会会议上口头答复,或者由受质询机关书面答复。Article 29 With respect to proposals for the addressing of questions, the Council of Chairmen shall decide whether responsible persons of the organs questioned shall make written replies.

据联邦调查局最新国家数据,2008年美国有1297起报告在案由仇视引起的犯罪,而许斌说,“在中国很少有针对同性恋者的暴力行动。”As opposed to America, which had 1,297 reported hate crimes in 2008, the latest year for which the FBI has national figures, "there are few violent acts against gays in China, " said Bin.

富士康方面暗示,主如果因为被告比亚迪的主体发生变更,富士康只能变更当事人后以雷同的事实和案由从头起诉。Health respect expresses Fuji, basically be because of the accused Biyadi's main body produces change, fuji health can mix with same fact after modificatory party only brief of a case is sued afresh.