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他把那块木料刨得挺平的。He smoothed down the wood.

这所房子是用木料造的。This house was built of wood.

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他在车床上车削了那块木料。He turned the wood on a lathe.

我喜欢用最好的木料做活。I like working in the best wood.

你应让那块木料干透。You should let the wood dry out.

满载的是木料煤炭和干草儿。Filled with lumber, coal, and hay.

这个桌子是用非常好的木料做的.This table is made of very good wood.

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木料的一端将被嵌进墙壁。The timber will be tailed in the wall.

这些木料三面被削平。These logs were squared on three side.

既然能用朔料,何必非要用木料呢?Why use plastic when you can use wood?

他们用旧木料匆匆搭起了一个棚屋。They used old lumber to throw up a hut.

既然能用塑料,何必非用木料?Why use wood when you can use plastic ?

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木料制品常被人们涂以油漆冒充石料制品。Wood is often painted to imitate stone.

他把那块圆木削成了方形木料。He squared off the log to make a timber.

木料镀上了一层银。The wood has been laid over with silver.

他们已经将木料的一端嵌进墙里。They have tailed the timber in the wall.

你就可着这块木料做吧。You'll have to make do with this timber.

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所有木料必须存放于仓内。All timber shall be kept inside the store.

这种木料受潮容易变形。This wood warps easily in damp conditions.

你应该再往火里添些木料。You should put some more wood in the fire.