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白银时代。The Age of Silver.

为什么是黄金和白银呢?Why gold and silver?

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是一饔银光闪闪的白银啊!This is a pile of shinny silver!

真男人!真爱!真金白银!True Man, True Love, True Money!

其中一面镜子镀满白银。One of the mirrors is fully silvered.

我想应该给我的马起名叫“白银”。I think I should name my horse "Silver".

法语中表示“钱”的词语是“argent”,意思就是“白银”。The French word for money is argent, or silver.

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接下来的是逊于黄金时代的白银时代。The Silver Age came next, inferior to the golden.

一位德国的炼金术士试图将白银炼成黄金。A German alchemist tried to transmute silver into gold.

五两黄金、五两白银卖不卖?What about five taels of gold and five taels of silver?

和黄金一样,白银的长期趋势图也提示我们保持谨慎。As in gold, long-term silver chart also suggests caution.

美国房屋价格中位数以白银计价将大幅下跌。The median U.S. home will decline sharply priced in silver.

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我们为白银制定的更大目标是44.00区域”他们说。Our greater target for silver is in the 44.00 area,” they said.

本周,我们向您提供黄金、白银和白金的走势图。This week we provide you with gold, silver and platinum charts.

先前,一本书如果不用黄金来衡量的话,与相同重量的白银价值相当。Formerly , a book is worth its weight in silver, if not in gold.

白银价格创七个月新低,随后小幅上扬。Silver plummeted to a seven-month low, before rallying slightly.

市场对白银的潜在投资需求几乎是无边的.The potential for investment demand for silver is almost unlimited.

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按相对估傎的标准选择的话,白银可能更好。I would prefer one just on relative value, silver is probably better.

而80Plus白银级/黄金级则要求更高。Silver and Gold levels were also introduced with higher efficiencies.

秘鲁的黄金和白银矿布埃纳文图拉相对低估。Peruvian gold and silver miner Buenaventura is relatively undervalued.