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把托儿所带回家中。Put a creche in your home.

这就像托儿所系统一样。This is like a creche system.

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托儿所就在这儿附近。The nursery is somewhere hereabout.

塔什干,乌克兰,日间托儿所。Day nursery in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

他们把托儿所办得很好。They ran the nurseries extremely well.

19311931年,第一间集体农场的日间托儿所。First day nursery in a collective farm.

托儿所的婴儿都在啼哭。The babies were bawling in the nursery.

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我们有托儿所及照料儿童的服务。We have a crèche and childcare services.

这个托儿所的孩子比那个托儿所多。There are more children in this nursey than in that one.

他们带他们的小孩到托儿所或安亲班。They take their children to nurseries or day-care centres.

住在远处的孩子们不能进游戏托儿所。Children living in remote places cannot get to the playgroup.

针对3-6岁幼儿则与托儿所合作建立「托儿所筛检模式」。A preschool screening model was designed for children aged 3-6.

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托儿所和幼儿园有14名学生的目标类的大小。Nursery and Pre-Kindergarten have a target class size of 14 students.

或者,每年购买一个托儿所马槽并在其底部写上日期。Or, buy one creche piece every year and write the date on the bottom.

乡村托儿所的教师埋首学习卫生及儿童教育知识。Angawadi workers are studying health and children education knowledge.

每一个街道有一个或更多的托儿所,学校和医疗站。Every community is served by one or more nurseries, schools and clinics.

不久法利是非常的好以至于可以迁回自己的在托儿所的家中。The strategy right now is just to try to get him to be a better climber.

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大群体手工饲养,往往又被称为托儿所式饲养或军队式养殖。Hand reared in large groups often known as creche reared or cohort raised.

在整个南方,中学里有托儿所是普遍现象。Nurseries are a common feature today in high schools throughout the South.

她把孩子送进了附近的托儿所,因为她得去上班。She sent the child to the neighborhood nursery , as she had to go to work.