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做了这见事,你会后悔的。Do it and you'll be sorry.

我有见事想告诉你。I have something to tell you.

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谁也不可能单枪匹马做成这见事的。One cannot have done it single-handed.

在那见事上我和你想法一致。I'm of one mind with you on that matter.

请你不要把我同这见事联系在一起。Please dom't connect me with the matter.

培肋舍特的五位酋长见事已成,当天就回了厄刻龙。And the five lords of the Philistines, having seen it, went back to Ekron the same day.

这些年跟着政府领导经风雨见事面,确实学到了不少东西。After all these years along with government leaders see things surface wind and rain really learned a lot.

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从书皮和名字来判断,那只是一本讲述这位美人的锻炼、饮食和美容的常见事。From the look and sound of it, it was going to be a bit of fluff about her exercise, diet and beauty routine.

“我不喜欢太好奇地问你的事情”,妻子对他的丈夫说,“但是有见事困恼我很久了”。"I don't like to inquire too curiously into your affairs, " Said the lady to her husband, "But something's been bothering me for days.

因此,各级人民法院必须坚持能动司法,见事早、行动快、积极应对,妥善施策。Therefore, the people's courts at all levels must take initiative in the judicial work, be forward-looking, have quick actions and active response, and properly take countermeasures.

他的关于中国传统文化精神的定义,他的关于中西文化差异的精辟论断,至今也无出其右者,其见事见理之明察深刻,举世罕有。No one can exceed him in the definition in spirits of China's traditional culture. Neither can in gnomic contention on difference existed in cultures between China and Western countries.