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冰层同时也能够反射太阳辐射。The ice also reflects solar radiation.

云层里小水滴越多,反射回去的太阳辐射也就越多,光照也就减少了。More droplets mean more reflection and less sunshine down below.

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那不断地从太阳辐射出的能量又来自何处呢?Where does the energy come from that constantly radiates from the sun?

而过度暴露于太阳辐射的危险要大得多。The dangers are much greater from over-exposure to the sun's radiation.

太阳辐射热可以穿过这些气体使地球变暖。Radiant heat from the Sun can pass through them to warm the Earth below.

冬天里仍然可能会有晒伤,因为雪会反射太阳辐射。Sunburn is still possible in the winter because the snow reflects the sun's rays.

朝向不同的山坡接收到的直接太阳辐射量是不同的。Slopes orientated differently receive direct solar radiation in different amounts.

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建筑需要在正南向20度以内,以获得足够多的太阳辐射。The development needs to be within 20 degs of due south to obtain enough solar gain.

圣诞老公公问姚平安夜那天会不会有大量的太阳辐射。Santa needs to know if the sun will produce a huge amount of radiation on December 24th.

一种抑制肿瘤的蛋白同样可以通过促进黄褐色素的形成来防御来自太阳辐射的损害。A protein that helps suppress cancer also protects against sun damage by promoting a tan.

日全食轨道观测卫星捕捉到新的日全食光照,太阳风,太阳辐射物之间的联系流动光线。The OSO has shed new light on the relation between solar flares, winds, and sun radiation.

火星没有地磁场,因此地表经常遭受太阳辐射的袭击。Mars has no magnetic field, so the surface is constantly bombarded by radiation from the sun.

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着重考虑了云层对太阳辐射和大气长波辐射的影响。The effects of the cloud on solar radiation and longwave radiation are considered particularly.

这将提供一个稳定的温度,并从micrometeorites和太阳辐射屏蔽。This would provide a stable temperature, and shielding from micrometeorites and solar radiation.

冰把太阳辐射反射回太空,因此有助于防止地球升温。Ice reflects solar radiation back into space and therefore helps to prevent the Earth heating up.

太阳辐射、空气相对湿度、风速、土壤湿度等因子也有一定影响。SFV was also affected by solar irradiation, air relative humidity, wind speed, and soil moisture.

夏天,每平方米的玻璃上的通过的直接太阳辐射等同于单个暖气片产生的热量。Direct sun can generate the same heat as a single bar radiator over each square metre of a surface.

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因此,同时发生的太阳辐射、干球和湿球温度应当合理选择。Hence, coincident solar irradiance, dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures should be properly selected.

强烈的太阳辐射也是造成极端晴热高温的一个重要原因。So lar radiation is also an important factor causing the extreme clear and hot high temperature event.

而且,冰层反射了太阳辐射,没有了这种反射,北冰洋的温度会升得更高。In addition, ice reflects solar radiation. Without that process, the Arctic sea could warm up even more.