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那样他们就算自找麻烦了。That's what gets them into trouble.

你最好还是走吧,别自找麻烦!Don't ask for trouble. You'd better run away.

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你最好还是走吧,别自找麻烦!Don't ask for trouble. Y ou'd better run away.

麻烦没有来找你,别去自找麻烦。Don't trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.

麻烦未来找你,别去自找麻烦。Don’t trouble troubles till trouble troubles you.

如果你在雾中登山,那就是自找麻烦。If you climb moutains in fog, you're asking for trouble.

不要涉足政界,那简直是自找麻烦。Do not get involved with politics. That'sborrowing trouble.

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若是你损害了这一定位,那么你就是在自找麻烦。When you tamper with this position, you are asking for trouble.

如果你把车停在黄线上,你就真是自找麻烦了。If you park on those yellow lines, you are really asking for it.

你让他注意到这件事纯粹就是自找麻烦。You're just looking for trouble if you bring it to his attention.

如果你坦白了,你是在自找麻烦If you rat someone out in jail, someone puts a contract out on you.

你买那辆生了的旧汽车是自找麻烦。You're letting yourself in for trouble by buying that rusty old car.

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如果你只是为了寻求别人的认同,那么不必自找麻烦寻求建议了。Don’t bother asking for advice if all you are looking for is approval.

如果你还没准备好接受事实,那么不必自找麻烦寻求别人的建议了。If you’re not ready to face the truth, don’t bother seeking the advice.

这就意味着,如果你的网页内容超过60k,你就是在自找麻烦。That means that you are begging for trouble if your pages are over 60k.

你要是动我女儿一根毫毛,你可就自找麻烦了。If you harm a hair of my daughter's head, you'll get yourself into trouble.

阿奇博尔德先生似乎不想自找麻烦多方规劝。Mr. archibald did not give himself the trouble of making many remonstrances.

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如果这样一圈圈地游,那么你是在自找麻烦。Do this for lap after lap at a higher intensity and you're asking for trouble.

如果你在限速区开快车,你可是自找麻烦。If you drive so fast in the speed-limited area, you will be asking for trouble.

我从不会自找麻烦的,决不允许它们在我的家里吃屎喝尿的。I will not trouble, and never allow them to eat shit in my house to drink urine.