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颓废倘若是催眠曲。If it is decadent lullaby.

他是个颓废派的成员。His face was a decadent face.

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它很颓废,并且令人难以置信。It's decadent. And it's fabulous.

他是个颓废派的成员。He is a member of beat generation.

这座颓废的城市,生活在这破败的陋室里。In this decadent city, living in a rattrap.

夜夜笙歌,并非是颓废,只是沉醉。Nightlife, is not decadent, but intoxicated.

擦上深紫色,我要走性感颓废风!This deep, decadent shade is the best purple ever, okay!

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颓废是种心理状态还种生活状态?。Decadent be kind of mentation return kind of life condition?

而我们,这一群老男孩,不还是在颓废之中虚度光阴吗?And we, a group of old boys, not in decadence in wasted time?

他现在已经退休隐居,变成了一个消沉而颓废的人。He resigned and became a recluse, a depressed and beaten man.

这也许就是他们被称作颓废派的原因。This is probably the source of the name given them, "The Beats".

看着意志颓废的大宽,肖杨再一次收留了他。Will look at the big wide decadent, Xiao Yang again took him in.

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颓废是种心理状态还种生活状态?为什么?。Decadent be kind of mentation return kind of life condition? Why?

不要颓废,空虚,迷茫,糟践自己,伤害别人。Don't decadent, emptiness, confusion, upon yourself, hurt others.

我失落过、颓废过、心碎过,但一切又有何用呢?I have lost dispiritedly, brokenhearted, but all also have what use?

别让那些资产阶级的颓废思想充斥你的头脑。Don't congest your mind with those decadent ideas of the bourgeoisie.

现在,我们来看一下我应付颓废时光的策略。Today, we’ll look at some of my favorite unproductivity-day strategies.

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时日一到,罗马矫饰的颓废气味终将难以遮掩。In time, the foul odor of Roman decadence would grow harder to disguise.

塔姆西是个有钱人,过着放纵而颓废的生活。Tamsin is rich, spoilt and trying to live a life of seductive decadence.

自唐时李杜归去,颓废文坛,再无才出。When self-Tang Li and Du returning, decadent literature, no longer only a.