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亚希多弗也作王的谋士。Ahithophel was the king's counselor.

谋士多,保安全。In the multitude of counsellors there is safety.

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你的法度,是我所喜乐的,是我的谋士。Thy testimonies also are my delight and my counsellors.

他答应了刘备的请求,离开隆中,成为刘备的主要谋士。He complied with Liu's request and became his prime minister.

赛林达·莱克是民主党民调专家和政治谋士。Celinda Lake is a Democratic pollster and political strategist.

他把谋士剥衣掳去,又使审判官变成愚人。He leadeth counsellors away spoiled, and makes the judges fools.

他把谋士剥衣掳去,又使审判官变成愚人。He leadeth counsellors away spoiled, and maketh the judges fools.

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有谁明白神的心思?有谁曾作神的谋士?Oh, who has known the mind of God, and who has been His counselor?

鲁昭公很赞赏他,让他担当谋士。Duke Chao admired him so much that he game him a job as an advisor.

谁知道主的心,谁作过他的谋士呢For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor?

上周末,新西兰队撤掉了队里的谋士汉密什?佩珀,另雇了一名法国人取代他。Late last week, Team New Zealand dumped its tactician Hamish Pepper and hired a Frenchman.

“食之无味,弃之可惜”是如今还在玩谋士的玩家的真实感受。"Tasteless but wasteful to discard" is now playing advisor of the true feelings of players.

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梅塞纳斯是奥古斯都大帝最信任的谋士,并与阿格里帕进行派系争斗。He was the most trusted of advisers, holding his own in competition with the Agrippa faction.

只有少数的军事指挥官和谋士曾经达到这一严格的认证。Only a handful of military commanders and tacticians have ever achieved this rigorous certification.

有五类职业能选择,例如战士,刺客,力士,男巫和谋士。There are five classes for players to choose such as Paladin, Assassin, Muscleman , Warlock and Priest.

冯仑、王功权都曾在南德集团做过事,当年都是“中国首富”牟其中的手下谋士。Feng Lun, Wang had done work in the Nande Group, are "China's richest man, " Mu Qizhong of his advisors.

他的儿子撒迦利亚是精明的谋士,掣签守北门。Then lots were cast for his son Zechariah, a wise counselor, and the lot for the North Gate fell to him.

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孙权引一班谋士,随后都到,却教吕范来馆驿中请玄德。Sun Quan arrived next, leading a group of counselors, and sent Lv Fan to the guesthouse to escort Xuande.

她等着,后来不耐烦了,并寻求丰猛的谋士,并要求在她的丈夫。She waited and later grew impatient, and sought out Feng Meng the schemer and asked where her husband was.

听到整个宫廷的嘲笑声以及大臣和谋士们的话,国王很羞愧。Hearing the laughter of his whole court, and the words of his ministers and advisers, the king was ashamed.