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传闻失实。The rumour was unfounded.

确保它是一个合法的报道失实。Make sure it is a legitimate inaccuracy.

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他对会议作了失实的报道。He gave a garbled account of the meeting.

本条例旨在修订有关无意的失实陈述的法例。To amend the law relating to innocent misrepresentations.

已经很清楚,将军得到的情报是严重失实的。It became clear that the general had been badly misinformed.

如果在这本书中有哪些地方失实,责任在我。If there are inaccuracies in this book,the responsibility is mine.

在这个视频里,你会看到新闻报道是失实的。In the video, you will see that news coverage is not proportional.

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报纸上关于政治和国际时事的报道经常失实。Newspaper accounts of political and international affairs are often distorted.

分析了慧超在该书中对印度人形象描写失实的原因。Discusses the reason of the inaccurate description of the Indian's image in this work.

本人明白本人提供的资料倘有失实之处,申请当即作废。I understand that any false information given in this form will render the application invalid.

我由衷的希望世界上所有的球迷们都不要被这些严重失实的新闻所误导。I sincerely hope that all football fans worldwide don't take these misleading reports seriously.

对医学生、住院医生和研究员的应用的失实陈述已经被报道。Misrepresentation on medical students', residents', and fellows' applications has been reported.

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核数师是负责在核数师报告中报告所有遗漏或失实陈述。The auditor is responsible for reporting all omissions or misstatements in the auditor's report.

报社被勒令付给那位电影明星一笔赔偿金,因为该报刊载的一篇有关她的报道失实。Thenewspaper was ordered to pay damages to the film star for printing an untrue story about her.

他读着报纸,大声评论关于他自己的报道的准确之处与失实之处。He read the newspaper , commenting aloud on the accuracy or inaccuracy of the stories about himself.

又各以其本国周悉,书别国并不能备,亦往往失实。Also of note in their own weeks, the book can not be prepared in other countries are often inaccurate.

他们会探寻我的个人生活,加以失实报道,并被素不相识的人利用来赚钱。My personal life will be found out, inaccurately reported, and used to make money for absolute strangers.

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尽管该书在史实叙述中存在着一些偏颇和失实之处,但在反映晚明党争方面堪称是一部全景式的集大成之作。Though there are some shortcomings in this book, it is a great book about the disputes in late Ming Dynasty.

说他在数周前对阵国际的德比前在酒店连开了三晚派对也是失实的。It is not true that he spent three consecutive nights partying before the game against Inter a few weeks ago.

倘有发现失实情况,所有直接或间接引致的损失及责任全部由申请人独自承担。Otherswise, all the loss or damage and liabilities directly or indirectly incurred shall be solely borne by the Applicant.