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在英国,威尔是与罗杰斯和福斯特齐名的三个建筑大师之一。Will Alsop is now among the top 3 architects in Britain.

拥有上百年历史,与唐山麻糖齐名。Have a century of history, along with the Tangshanma tang.

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自然与人文相映,湖光与山色齐名!Natural and human form, scenery of lake and mountain combine!

高适、岑参是盛唐同时而齐名的诗人。Gao Shi , Shi Can hold the poet enjoying equal popularity at the same time Tang.

河南是中国第一大省,豫剧是与京剧齐名的剧种之一。Yu Opera of Henan, the largest province in China, is only second to Peking Opera.

他为了能与凯撒齐名,就用自己的这个尊号命名了八月。In order to par with the Caesar he, to use their own appellation named this August.

他们与科雷利亚人齐名,都是银河系最老练的太空旅行家。They rank alongside the Corellians as the most seasoned space travelers in the galaxy.

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在中世纪后期亚里士多德成了权威人物,并与享有盛名的阿奎奈齐名。Aristotle became a great authority in the later medieval period most famously through Aquinas.

从足球的角度来看,利物浦是和巴萨齐名的豪门球队,如果从冠军数上来看,利物浦甚至更强。Liverpool are just as famous as Barcelona as a football club and even more famous trophy-wise.

耳听得鼓角齐名,想必我们的军队已经开始进攻了。Having heard the battle drums and horns, it is certain that our troops have started their attack.

七百年前,锡耶纳曾是与佛罗伦萨、威尼斯和热那亚齐名的军事重镇。Seven hundred years ago, Siena was a major military power in a class with Florence, Venice and Genoa.

Turk在欧洲广受追捧,甚至与本杰明。弗兰克林和拿破仑齐名。The Turk toured Europe to great acclaim, even besting such luminaries as Benjamin Franklin and Napoleon.

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古塔是与牌坊、歇山殿齐名的中国代表性古建筑。Ancient pagodas in China are as famous as those architectures such as memorial archways and Xieshan hall.

不幸的家伙就这样永远的和他的创造头脑想出的去处污物的方式齐名了。The unfortunate fellow is forever down among the ordure as a result of his own 'full-flush' inventive mind!

十年内,他被公认为欧洲最顶尖的成衣设计师之一,和范思哲与阿玛尼齐名。Within a decade he is recognized as one of Europe's top ready-to-wear designers along with Versace and Armani.

与东京市长石原慎太郎齐名,共同当选为最受关注电视名人。She was voted most viewed personality on Japanese television along with the governor of Tokyo Shintaro Ishihara.

皇甫谧是与孔子、扁鹊齐名的针灸大师,在医学界被誉为针灸鼻祖。Huang fu Mi is Confucius, Que par acupuncture master of acupuncture in the medical field known as the originator.

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杭白菊由多年生草本植物鲜白菊蒸煮晾干而成,一向与龙井茶齐名。Marguerite Chrysanthemum steaming fresh from the dry perennial herb made, along with the equally famous Longjing tea.

萨斯卡通,加拿大的西部大酿酒公司的啤酒齐名的家庭已超过20年的一个区域的最爱。Saskatoon, Canada's Great Western Brewing Co's eponymous family of beers has been a regional favourite for over 20 years.

但就是这样一个小公司却在“全美十佳公司”中几乎每年排名前列,和微软、惠普等国际性大公司齐名。But this is a small company in "the top ranked in almost every company", and Microsoft, HP etc international companies eponymous.