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这样看来,2010年茧丝供应量应该非常充足。It would appear that the 2010 silk supply should be sufficient.

一个庄口中各根茧丝纤度曲线的长短是随机变化的。The length of the size curves of cocoon filaments within one lot varies at random.

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因此,从总量匡算看,去年茧丝供应并不紧张。Therefore, from the perspective of total calculations, silk without tension last year.

最后,给出了一种茧丝纤度曲线的模式特征表达方法。Finally, pattern characteristic expression of size curves of cocoon filaments is put forward.

利用色彩调和理论可以生产出更多色相的彩色茧丝。The utilization of colour-blending theory can work out all kinds of cocoon silk of colour spectrum.

利用色素添加在家蚕的食物中生产彩色茧丝是一项创新技术。Colourful reeling cocoon silk iss newly-innovated technology in which people add pigment to the silkworm food.

茧丝纤度曲线的预测研究是计算机模拟缫丝的基础。Study on forecasting size curves of cocoon filaments is the foundation of computer simulation of silk reeling.

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分析了茧丝的品种与产地对丝素结晶度和取向度的影响程度。The effects of varieties and producing areas of cocoon silk on the crystallinity and orientation are analyzed.

桑叶的产量,质量直接影响茧丝的产量与品质。Nevertheless, the output and quality of silk are affected directly by the yield and quality of mulberry leaves.

蚕丝蛋白质包括绢丝腺液状丝素与丝胶,以及茧丝中丝素与丝胶。Silk protein consists of silk-gland liquid fibroin and silk sericin as well as fibroin and sericin in the bave.

为更好地开发利用天然彩色茧丝资源,将近年来彩色茧丝的有关研究情况进行了综述。This paper reviewed researches in recent years on colorful cocoon silk, in order to develop and utilize it better.

茧丝纤度曲线的预测研究茧丝纤度曲线可视为是长度有限且随机变动的非平稳时间序列。Size curves of cocoon filaments can be regarded as non-stationary time series with finite length varying at random.

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自20世纪70年代以来中国一直是世界上最大的茧丝生产国和出口国。Since 70' s in 20 centuries, China has been the largest country in production and export silk products in the world.

煮茧中宜考虑保护茧丝薄弱环节,尽可能避免其脆弱性暴露。Therefore, in the cocoon cooking process, it is advisable to avoid by all means the exposition of the weak links for protection.

本研究用解舒率不同的两种鲜茧为试料,探讨了-7℃,-25℃两种温度下冷藏不同时间对茧丝工艺性质的影响。Cocoon qualities were studied by storing two kinds of fresh cocoon of different reelability per-centagesat temperature -7℃ and-25℃.

虽然总体上有一定的趋势,但各根茧丝纤度曲线的趋势又不尽相同。Although there is some trends in the mass , the trends of the size curves of the individual filaments are different from each other.

而合理的环境能阻止丝胶的胶凝作用,茧丝间胶着力弱,蚕茧解舒优。However, proper conditions can prevent sericin from gelation and improve cocoon reelability due to weaker gumming force among bayes.

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固化茧丝的丝胶稳定性及染色性直接关系丝胶固着丝绸产品的市场开发前景。The sericin stability and dyeability of solidified silk influences the commercial value of sericin-solidified silk fabrics directly.

利用色彩三要素理论可以大大提高家蚕彩色茧丝的研究效率,减少工作量。The utilization of the basic principle of colour can raise the researching efficiency of colourful cocoon silk and reduce work load.

通过计算机模拟试验讨论其在茧丝纤度曲线模拟及缫丝工程模拟中的应用。On the basis of these results, its application to the simulations of size curve of cocoon filament and reeling process was discussed.