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中国要做到古为今用,洋为中用。Make the past serve the present and the foreign serve China.

始发西方古典文化,融汇东方精华,是“美勒斯顿”洋为中用,去芜存真的美的感知。MORESTORM could let you feel the beauty by combining the west classical culture and the east culture.

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在进化论思想的洋为中用上,梁启超、王国维产生了分歧。In making foreign things serve China, there are some differences between Liang Qichao and Wang Guowei.

同时,如何借鉴外国法律,做到洋为中用也是我国现阶段法治建设所面临的一个重要课题。When we use foreign industrial know-how to raise our labour productivity, we are making foreign things serve the needs of China.

但是,中国画在“洋为中用,古为今用”过程中,越来越丧失民族特色。However, the Chinese paintings in the "foreign used by the Chinese, ancient by today's" process of increasing loss of national characteristics.

我们有必要借鉴迪斯尼经验,改变这一局面。另外,迪斯尼“中为洋用”的做法给国产动画电影界带来“洋为中用”的启示。The success of Disney Mulan offers us some experience, from which Chinese animation movies should learn, because there are some shortages and faults in our animation movies.

洋为中用,古为今用,探索具有我国民族特色的德育之路,是德育工作者的课题之一。Using good method from foreign countries, from old days, exploring the way of moral education with Chinese nationality characteristics, is one of the task of moral education workers.

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本着“洋为中用”的思想,结合我国学校德育的实际,创造性地开展研究,力图在对科尔伯格的理论研究中获得启迪。In "make foreign things serve China" ideology, combination with the actual school moral education in China, creative research, try to get the inspiration from study the Kohlberg's theory.

我们只有坚持“古为今用,洋为中用”的方针,才能创造为社会主义现代化建设服务的新文化体系。We only insist on the policy of "make the past serve the present, make foreign things serve China", can we create the cultural system for serving the socialist modernization construction.

同时,随着国际间文化教育交流的不断深入,笔者也希望这里的研究结果或可为我国的教学改革提供有益借鉴,力求在尊重文化差异的基础上洋为中用,灵活变通。Along with improved intercommunication of culture and education, the study will be helpful for the development of our country's teaching reform on the basis of regarding cultural differences.

提出洋为中用、博采所长、引进软件、合作生产技术难度大的设备和开发短缺部件等观点。The author suggests to study the advanced technique in this area, imports softwares to manufacture complicated equipments by joint venture and to develop components which cant be supplied at home.