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七名吴士大声喝彩。His seven friends cheered.

为火箭喝彩。20连胜。Bravo rox. 20 is phenomenal.

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群众为获胜者喝彩。The crowd acclaimed the winners.

是时侯为我喝彩了。It's time to think applause to me.

上帝,是时侯为我喝彩了。Now it is applause to me, lord, oh.

欧瑞,为你的人生喝彩!Hip Hip Hooray, cheer for your life!

我为卡亚玛汉和他的人民喝彩!I salute Kaya Maghan and his people!

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中国万岁。为中国喝彩!Long live china , Bravo China ! ! ! !

这番申斥获得了高声的喝彩。Loud acclamations hailed this rebuke.

这位电影明星切望喝彩。The move star is ambitious of applause.

为奥运喝彩!中国加油!Cheers for Olympic Games! China refuels !

让我们为后街鼓掌喝彩!Let's give it up for the Backstreet Boys!

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这位演员受到热烈喝彩,心里感到乐滋滋的。The actor basked in appreciative applause.

“听到球迷的喝彩歌声很棒,”他说。"It's nice to hear, " he told Arsenal. com.

观众开始朝客队喝彩起哄。The crowd began to barrack the visiting team.

继续热烈鼓掌吧,先生们,杰克逊应受到我们的喝彩。Clap up,gentlemen,Jackson deserves our applause.

而凯蒂,正坐在他们边上,为我喝彩。Katie is sitting right beside them, cheering me on.

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孟家的女孩子都跑过来为她的衣服喝彩。The Munroe girls rushed up to exclaim over her dress.

有朋自远方来,为奥运同喝彩!Cheer on the Olympic Games with our friends from afar!

观众在歌剧结束时狂热地鼓掌喝彩。The audience applauded wildly at the end of the opera.