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土耳其山洪爆发,31人死亡。Flash floods kill 31 in Turkey.

山洪从山上流下来,爱德华被冲到一个孤岛。Edward was drifted to an isolated island.

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山洪冲毁了这个村落。The torrential flood annihilated the village.

山洪来势凶猛。The mountain torrents rushed down with a terrifying force.

水灾类型以江洪灾为主,山洪为次之。The types of flooding were river torrents and mountain torrents.

否则,山洪驱动器的用户必须保持重试,开始洪流。Else, Torrent Drive users have to keep retrying to start the torrent.

崔京爱女士指出,“由于山洪总是突然爆发,相对而言更难进行控制。Flash floods are more difficult to manage because of their rapid onset.

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降雨在白龙江沿岸再次引发山洪和泥石流。The downpour triggered floods and mudslides along the Bailong River in Zhouqu County.

一阵雷雨疾驰而来,山洪爆发了,洪水冲过客栈所在的那座小山…A thunderstorm came close by, the spring broke in a little hill on which the inn stood.

胡锦涛感谢纳丹和新加坡政府就甘肃舟曲发生特大山洪泥石流灾害所表示的慰问。Hu thanked Nathan and the Singaporean government for extending condolences over the disaster.

看到山洪来势凶猛时,他惊慌失色。When he saw the mountain torrents rushing down with a devastating force, he was consternated.

并针对山洪灾害防治规划的小流域单元特点对提取的小流域单元进行分割和归并。Derived small catchment units are further subdivided and merged to meet the requirements of FFDCP.

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连绵不断的雨水,山洪爆发了,每一个峡谷好似水槽似的淌满了水。In this steady rain, the spring of the mountain were broken up, every glen gushed water like a cistern.

新河流域位于枣林村2、3、4组北侧,受现有新河大坝保护,历史上记载多次爆发山洪。Xinhe river basin is located on the left bank of 2,3,4 group of Zaolin village, protected by Xinhe dam.

防治山洪灾害是我国山丘区可持续发展的一项重要工作。Mountain flood prevention is one of the important parts in sustainable development of mountainous areas.

被山洪围困的人,有多少还铭记横遭砍伐的森林?Being besieged by mountain torrents, how many people still engrave those forests being peremptorily cut down?

黑暗中,泛着细浪的潮流像小山洪一样在船身四周翻着白沫,哗哗作响。All round the hull, in the blackness, the rippling current bubbled and chattered like a little mountain stream.

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菲律宾经常发生台风、地震、暴风雨,泥石流,山洪爆发和其它灾害。The Philippines is subject to typhoons, earthquakes, storm surges, landslides, flash floods and other disasters.

林平之回来后向众人解释这几日去处,骗岳灵珊是为了给她买冰糖葫芦遇到了山洪爆发。Lin Pingzhi returned to explain all this days, cheat is lenient to give her to buy ice-sugar gourd met flash floods.

如果你想学习有关金钱的知识,那就要先告诉别人你的看法,然后,新的思想和好的灵感就会如同山洪爆发,喷涌而出。If you want to learn about money, teach it to someone else. a torrent of new ideas and finer distinctions will come in.