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德式设计是否完美无缺?Is heart type design apple-pie?

就像我讲的,没有人是完美无缺的。As I say, none of us is perfect.

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喝点好白兰地酒才使一顿佳肴完美无缺。A good brandy completes a fine meal.

因为我把地址填得完美无缺I wrote the addresses on 'em perfect

你的生活将完美无缺。比喻啊…Your life'll beall peaches and cream.

软件WAF方案也并非完美无缺,其缺点如下Disadvantages of software WAF solutions

不过,myfamily.com并非完美无缺。But isn't without its flaws.

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不能说我们的决定就是完美无缺的。We don't claim that our decis'ions are per'fect.

你希望所有事都完美无缺,不过,当你约会时,注意不要什么事都对服务员或者你的情人进行挑剔。over every single thing to your waiter or sweetie.

他把一个敏感而言词犀利的记者演得完美无缺。He is perfect as the sensitive but strong reporter.

他说这五个都是品格完美无缺的人。He said all five were men of unimpeachable character.

没人能再说月亮是完美无缺的了。It could no longer be said that the moon was perfect.

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当然,菲尼斯的理论并非完美无缺。Certainly, the theory of finnis is by no means perfect.

然而我们却很少看到有人,有些村庄像是保存得完美无缺的鬼镇。Some villages were like perfectly preserved ghost towns.

她完美无缺的表演赢得剧评家的大力称赞。Her flawless performance won rave reviews from the critics.

你的本质如同无瑕的珠宝一样完美无缺。You essence is as pure and perfect as an unblemished jewel.

当然,混合动力车是那种庞大的GMC塔霍,但谁又能完美无缺呢?Of course, the hybrid is a huge GMC Tahoe, but nobody's perfect.

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这个选项能够避免数据损失,但它并不总是完美无缺。This protects from data loss, but it's not always perfect either.

我胨并不认为我们已经到达或正在接近完美无缺的境界。I do not believe that we have found or even approached perfection.

晚会组织的完美无缺,令人尽兴尽致。Only with this perfect organization, we have a whale of good time.