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丹丹是小学生。Danny is a pupil.

这名小学生逃学。The pupil bagged school.

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冬冬是个快乐的小学生。Dongdong is a happy pupil.

连小学生都知道这个词。Even a pupil knows this word.

Methusaleh看起来更像是一个小学生。Methusaleh seems a schoolboy.

上周末我很小学生作文网。I was very happy last weekend.

那名小学生说每个字都拖着长音。The pupil dwells on each word.

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这是小学生都会的算术。That's grade-school arithmetic.

小学生们显得不守纪律。The pupils appear in bad order.

李红是个伶俐的小学生。Li Hong is an intelligent pupil.

这名小学生认真做功课。The pupil buckled to the lesson.

小学生口齿不清地说出答案。The pupil lisped out the answer.

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他为小学生开公共汽车。He drives the bus for the pupils.

一群十一二岁的小学生。A group of preteen schoolchildren.

他终归是个小学生。After all he is still a schoolboy.

小学生们涌出校门。The pupils tore out of the school.

老师发出嘘声使小学生们安静下来。The teacher hissed down the pupils.

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小学生重复老师的话。The pupil echoed his teacher's words.

小学生们听她讲故事可真入迷呢。The pupils just drink in her stories.

这本书对小学生还有点费解。This book is a little past the pupil.