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你知道无名氏是谁吗?You know who Mr. X is?

这道歌是一位无名氏写的。This song was written by an anonymous author.

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或者,就像一名无名氏在昨天讨论目标时所说的那样。Or, as an anon put it while discussing targets yesterday

无名氏内部的一些领导者对此表示赞同,但更多组织成员则表示反对。Many organisers agreed, but the greater bulk of the Anonymous group did not.

一个无名氏指出,这位参议员没有通过他的站点做生意。One anon pointed out that the Senator does not do business through his website.

这个项目结束后,玩家们将会重新变成互联网上的无名氏。after the project ends, the players will return to the anonymity of the internet.

女性容貌之美,犹如其香唇之甜,完全是一个感觉问题。---无名氏。Beauty in a woman´s face, like sweetness in a woman´ lips, is a matter of taste. ---Unknoun.

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今天早晨收到一封无名氏的来信,信内还附有钱,我不明白这是怎么回事。An anonymous letter containing money came to me this morning and I do not know what to make of it.

无名氏组织与维基解密并无干系,作为更加著名的告发者,后者似乎也没有发起这次行动。Anonymous is not WikiLeaks, and the more famous whistle-blower does not seem to be pulling the strings.

当然是无名氏了,他说,“是的,我带了一大笔钱,送到我公司。This executive certainly go unnamed, who said, "Yeah, I brought a bunch of capital and sent it to my company.

无名氏最终形成了自己的一套世界观,有了自己的计划和记忆。John Doe will eventually have a bunch of beliefs about how the world works, make some plans,get some memories.

一群被称为“无名氏”的黑客扬言要对绿坝发动“战争”,并威胁将于明天对其进行攻击。A group of bandit hackers, known as Anonymous, declared "war" on Green Dam and threatened to attack it tomorrow.

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很多时候这都被忘记了,照片和姓名很有好处,这可以让Debian减少无名氏的人数。This was forgotten very often but helps a lot associating pictures and names while also making Debian less anonymous.

就大多数而言,他们只是公众眼里的无名氏,这才是霍布斯眼里,君主应当具有的特性。For the most part, they are rather impersonal and anonymous and that is in many ways the characteristic of Hobbes' sovereign.

而如果有任何一位无名氏对攻击目标不感兴趣的话,他便可以将自己的计算机从志愿者僵尸网络中脱离出来,以减少这次攻击的效力。If any anon fails to be inspired by the target, she can remove her own computer from the volunteer botnet, reducing its effect.

20世纪以前的“三言”俄语译本故事大多是转译自英语或法语,译者多为无名氏。Before the 20th century, the Russian editions of "San Yan" stories were translated from English or French mostly by anonymous translators.

无名氏们仅仅通过彼此的假名相识,并随着时间推移,通过不断参与群体聊天加深信任。Anons, though they know each other only by their pseudonyms, develop trust over time through constant participation in the organising chats.

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当霍顿联系上无名镇的市长时,无名氏们告诉他整个无名镇就要毁灭了,而霍顿是他们唯一的希望。When Horton connects with the Mayor, the Who's soon learn that their entire world is vulnerable to destruction, and Horton is their only hope.

如果其中任何一位命令者滥用自己的权限--即如果他没有听取被无名氏们称之为"蜂巢意志"的群体聊天意见的话--其他命令者便可将其所在聊天大门之外。If any OP abuses his power—if he fails to heed what anons call “the hive mind” in IRC conversations— the other OPs can lock him out of the chat.

我还感觉到好像那些字句也乐于让我们发现,它们是那么毫无保留地,慷慨地为这无名氏作者借用,而现在轮到这位无名氏来学习与人分享这些美文的奥秘。And I felt as if the words somehow delighted in being discovered, for they were obviously very generous to the as yet anonymous writer of the notes.