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当太阳跃上东岳峰顶的树梢。When the sun rising on the tree top of Dongyue Mount.

东岳泰山以其日出的景色而著称。Tai Mountain, the east Yue, most famous for its sunrise.

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其次重点探讨了东岳庙会的含义和产生、发展的历程。The second part focuses on the origin and evolution of the fair.

第二部分为山东东岳集团氯碱项目可行性研究案例。The second part is the case of Chlorine-Alkali project of ShanDong DongYue Group.

笔者相信,东岳庙会肯定能以崭新的内容和形式,重新出现在当代中国人的生活当中。I believe, Mount Tai temple will have new content and form to Chinese people's life.

如泰山是五岳中最东的一座,因而名为东岳。For example, Tai Mountain is called "East Yue" as it is the easternmost one of the five.

它在山东省中部,津浦铁路的东侧,因位于我国东部,故称东岳。It is in central Shandong Province, east of the railway Jinpu, because in eastern China, it said Dongyue.

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杭州电子科技大学坐落于杭州市,有下沙、文一、东岳和下沙东校区四个校区。Located in the historical city of Hangzhou, China, The university's three campuses, Xiasha Campus, Wenyi Campus and Dongyue Campus.

一个民间艺术家等待在2011年在北京东岳寺庙会上为了庆祝春节的表演的停顿,阴历新年从2月3日到二月十七日。A folk artist pauses while waiting for to perform at a temple fair celebrating the Chinese Lunar New Year at Dongyue Temple in Beijing, February 7, 2011.

因为东岳大帝掌管了世人的生死祸福,所以前往烧香的人也特别多。Because Dongyue Deity is in charge of life & death and happiness & disaster in man's world, there are particularly large number of incense-burning persons there.

本文以东岳泰山为研究对象,具体探讨了泰山崇拜的形成、封禅仪典的内涵,尤其是对泰山神的人格化历程进行了详细的考证。This article takes Mount Tai for example and focuses on the formation of the worship of Mount Tai and the connotation of Fengshan ritual, especially the process of the humanization of Mount Tai god.