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1991年进行了抢救性发掘,并追缴回大量文物。In 1991, the rescue excavation took place after the tomb was robbed twice.

逃避追缴欠税款主动悔罪被从轻。Offenders who confess to escaping being demanded tax arrears will get off.

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未依法纳税的,税务机关应当予以追缴。If it fails to pay the taxes, the tax organ shall demand payment of arrears.

如果杰克拖欠债务,之后追缴电话都将追着杰克和吉尔。And if Jack defaults, then the collection calls and efforts will persist against both Jack and Jill.

保证金追缴迫使投资者现金化股票,重负之下的投资者带着出售命令涌向了交易大厅。Forced to liquidate their stocks because of margin calls, overextended investors flooded the exchange with sell orders.

我国法律法规的不足,具体表现为对企业追缴欠费没有给有足够的支持。Laws'and regulations'specific weakness on this issue is that companies can't get enough support from them when they recover arrears.

本月5日,凯雷集团要求一些大银行暂缓对其实行追缴保证金和资产清算。On March 5, Carlyle Group began asking some of the world's largest banks to hold off on margin calls and the liquidation of its assets.

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追缴保证金通知当净值低于最低保证金维持标准时必须存入的资金或股票。Margin Call Amount of additional cash or securities that must be deposited in an account if equity falls below minimum margin maintenance level.

专项行动开展以来,通过便衣巡逻抓获盗窃摩托车犯罪嫌疑人6名,追缴被盗摩托车13辆。Since the special action development, has captured burglary motorcycle suspect 6 through the plainclothes patrol, retrieves is robbed motorcycle 13.

如本公司因应付维持保证金、追缴保证金通知或其他资金需求而需要平仓,此风险会上升。This risk may be accentuated where the Company is required to liquidate positions to meet margin requests, margin calls or other funding requirements.

对于不能全部缴纳罚金的,人民法院在任何时候发现被执行人有可以执行的财产,应当随时追缴。If a person is not able to pay the fine in full, the People's Court shall demand the payment whenever it finds the person has property for execution of the fine.

参赛选手违反本活动规则或影响比赛公平者,主办单位或店家有权立即取消其参赛资格,并追缴奖金或奖品。Players in violation of the rules on fair competition, or affect, the Organizer, or store the right to immediately disqualify, and the recovery of money or prizes.

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由于我国现行法律未对赃款赃物的追缴问题作出具体明确的规定,导致实务中陷入困境。Since there still has no specific regulations on the issue of recovering illicit money and goods in our current law, its practical affairs have fallen into hardship.

其中立法建议包括制定追缴交易型受贿违法所得的操作规则和扩大交易型受贿的交易物范围两个方面。Formulating rules on Recovering illegal income that happened in transactional bribery crimes and expanding the scope of transaction objects are legislative proposals.

犯本决定规定之罪,依法被追缴、没收的财物和罚金,一律上缴国库。VIII. In case of offenses in violation of this decision, duly retroactively paid or confiscated property and fines shall be turned to the state coffers without any exception.

对于不能全部缴纳罚金的,人民法院在任何时候发现被执行人有可以执行的财产,应当随时追缴。If a person is unable to pay all the fine, a People's court shall, when it finds that the person subjected to execution has any other property, pursue the payment at any time.

对于不能全部缴纳罚金的,人民法院在任何时候发现被执行人有可以执行的财产,应当随时追缴。If a person is unable to pay all the fine, a People’s court shall, when it finds that the person subjected to execution has any other property, pursue the payment at any time.

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利用民法先行追缴外逃贪官赃款,再用刑事程序引渡外逃贪官,可减少外逃贪官带来的损失。For reducing the damage of such corrupt officials, it is effective to recover the illicit money under the civil law first and then extradite the officials by criminal procedure.

目前,电信运营企业通过分析欠费详单,查证恶意欠费人员的真实身份,追缴欠费以成为其正常经营活动的重要组成部分。Currently, telecom operators of communications through a single detail, to verify the true identity of delinquent officers of its normal business activities to become an important part.

司法实践中,利用民法追缴贪官外逃赃款,应建立费用补偿和“收益分享”制度。中国贪官外逃赃款追缴机制应予以完善。In the practice of justice, we should establish the system of expenses compensation and profit participation under the civil law to complete the mechanism of recovering the illicit money.