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我要一份上腰肉牛排?I'll have a sirloin steak.

还有的更谷歌肉牛比谷歌公关?There 's More to Google Beefs Than Google PR ?

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丹徒县肉牛加工项目的可行性研究。Feasibility Research on Beef Processing in Datu.

简单的说,这是有调味汁的上腰肉牛排。Simply speaking, it's a sirloin steak with sauce.

腰肉牛排,先生,你喜欢柠檬牛油吗?Tenderloin steak, sir. Would you like lemon butter?

过一两天你就能吃上等腰肉牛排了。You'll be eating a porterhouse steak in a day or two.

如果价格对你而言不成问题,那么就点一个你觉得大小合适的上等腰肉牛排吧。But if price is no object, go for a good-size porterhouse.

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肉牛的饲养和管理计划也崩溃了。Breeding and management programs for beef cattle fell apart.

出席盛会的还有一头长着长角的肉牛和一只叫作斯库特的犰狳。A longhorn steer attended, as did an armadillo named Scooter.

目前建有2000头育种规模的繁育基地,年出栏2万头优质肉牛。YuanZhi has a breeding base for 2000 priority beeves annually.

他同情小牛们,因为它们就要成为肉牛被卖掉。He feels sorry for them, because they will soon be sold for meat.

现代肉牛产的肉比脂肪多,而且,它们长得很快。Modern beef cattle produce more meat than fat, and they grow quickly.

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华亭肉牛肉质细嫩,营养丰富,皮质细腻弹性好。Huating succulent beef tender, nutrient-rich, delicate elastic cortex.

他们是在农场长大,就像猪,肉牛,羊,鸡等家畜。They are bred in farms, just like pigs, beefs , lambs, chicken and other farm animals.

推行牛肉分级制度是促进肉牛产业发展的重要因素。Implementation of the beef grading system is important to develop beef cattle industry.

上等眼肉牛排配肉嫩多汁的碳烤鸡胸,配上波本酱,芝士土豆泥和厨师精选蔬菜。Juicy chicken breast with Ribeye steak. Served with mashed potato and chef's vegetable.

自然喂养的牛比饲料喂养的肉牛的脂肪饱和程度低。Meat from grass-fed cattle is lower in saturated fat than meat from cattle fed on grain.

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长年负责向全国各地输送调拨肉牛肉羊业务。Many years responsible for the co un try transportation allocation cattle sheep business.

公司经营范围涉及肉牛生产、牧草栽培、自产牛肉的加工生产、饮食店等。Its business involves beef production, forage farming, beef processing and restaurants, etc.

目前建有2000头育种规模的繁育基地年出栏2万头优质肉牛。YuanZhi has a breeding base for 2000 calf and can produce 20000 high priority beeves annually.