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它能促进快乐。It promotes happiness.

安神、促进睡眠。Anshen and promote sleep.

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促进者是能使事情发生。Catalysts make things happen.

促进货品销售。Liquidates sales merchandise.

促进组件的重用。Facilitate reuse of components.

他的支持促进了我的事业。His support furthered my career.

促进便秘——节约厕纸。Promote constipation -- save TP.

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水对体系的结焦有促进作用。The water can resist the coking.

散步能促进我的思想。Walking can promote my thinking.

他灌下更多的伏特加来促进思考。He oiled thought with more vodka.

IT界把它称为鼓励促进消费。Call it the consumerization of IT.

这当然大大促进了网购。That boosts e-commerce, of course.

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我们正在以江淮汽车促进这种形象的改变。We are helping that with JAC cars.

但要利用它来促进了解。But use it to enhance understanding.

促进了基于协定的编程。Promotes contract-based programming.

三是促进双向投资。Third, promoting two-way investment.

协助促进节制。Assist in the promotion of continence.

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它能够促进细胞生长It's a natural signal for cells to grow.

促进多中心基因研究及合作。To promote multi-centered genetic study.

喂养犊牛,促进成长及饲料效率。For growth promotion and feed efficiency.