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他躺在血泊中。He lay weltering in blood.

他看到巴利斯的尸体躺在血泊中。He saw Paris' body drenched in blood.

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凶手在血泊中被逮捕。The murderer was arrested red-handed.

朋友偎靠着朋友,都在血泊中横躺。Here friend by friend in bloody channel lies.

巴黎公社被淹没在自己的血泊之中。The Commune was being drowned in its own blood.

我跑到那儿,看见他躺在血泊中。I ran there and saw him lying in a pool of blood.

战役打完后,整个战场浸于血泊之中。After the battle, the whole field was weltering in blood.

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万万没想到,林曼莉倒在血泊中。Absolutely cannot think of, lin Manli falls in pool of blood.

一个女孩,无助地躺在血泊中,死了。One of the girls, left lying in a pool of her own blood, died.

等到有人发现时,他已经死在了血泊之中。By the time someone came along he had drowned in his own blood.

你会看到,双手被绑,嘴被堵着的战犯们,活生生的被一枪击毙倒在血泊中。You will see prisoners, bound and gagged, being executed in cold blood.

有人拿出一把刀,几分钟后,Malvaya一家倒在血泊里。Someone produced a sword and, a few minutes later, the Malviyas lay dying.

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从空中内克尔岛是一个原始的祖母绿停泊在血泊中绿松石。From the air Necker Island is a raw emerald anchored in a pool of turquoise.

她捡回了甩出去的包,而丈夫却躺在了血泊中。She picks up back to jilt to go out of wrap, but the husband lie at pool of blood amid.

这具尸体苍白而安静地躺在松树下,浴于阳光中,浴于血泊中。And the body lay white and still beneath the pines, all bathed in sunshine and in blood.

一名男子身受重伤,生命垂危地躺在地上,头部和上身浸泡在血泊中。A young man lies mortally wounded on the ground, his head and upper body soaked in blood.

这具尸体苍白而安静地躺在松树下,浴在阳光中,浴在血泊中。And the body lay white and still beneath the pines , all bathed in sunshine and in blood.

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两只巨龙在自己的血泊和内脏堆中躺下了。Two of the Dragons were lying, bathing in their blood and covered with their own entrails.

几个行人和骑自行车者从旁边走过,眼睁睁地看着小女孩倒在血泊里微微颤抖。The girl is left barely moving in her own blood as several pedestrians and cyclists pass by.

在楼梯处,Lincoln被T-Bag他们狠揍过后,脸朝下地躺在血泊里,失去了知觉。In the stairwell where T-Bag left him, Lincoln lies face down in a pool of blood, unconscious.