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您是性子急的人吗?Are you an impatient person?

他就是性子犟一些。He just has a difficult character.

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他得学会捺住性子。He must learn to control his temper.

你能耐着性子看完戏吗?Are you able to sit through the play?

是啊,我的朋友都说我性子好。Yeah, well, my friends all say I'm an old softie.

“她真是个火爆性子,”大律师心中想道。"What a spit-fire she is, " thought the barrister.

耐着性子看,你就会看到狂舞的小猪。Be patient and you'll see the little dancing piggy.

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寄上无限的忖量和最夸姣的祝愿,你们的女性子。Warmest thoughts and best wishes form your daughter.

韦尔奇以性子急、大嗓门和直截了当而闻名。Mr. Welch was known for being brash, loud and direct.

也只好耐着性子跟杨珩慢慢磨了。Also must bear a temperament heel Yang Heng to slowly whet.

耐住性子,等我把这好消息告诉你。Possess yourself in patience until I tell you the good news.

这孩子从小就倔,有一股牛性子。The kid has been obstinate and bullheaded from his childhood.

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没有规律的排便会导致情绪变得烦躁,而且性子急。Irregular bowel movements cause irritability and quick temper.

我喜欢钱小样,因为她的性子,我学不来。I like small money, because her temperament, I learn not to come.

这辈子,找上这么个强性子,算我倒了八辈子霉了。In this life, to find such a strong character, I poured eight luck.

可是他一喝了酒,就态度粗暴,出口伤人,性子别扭。But he was rough and harsh- oken and difficult when he was drinking.

哪天你看到我日渐老去。身体也渐渐不行。请耐著性子试著暸解我。The day that I am old , please try to pay attention to me patiently.

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可是他一喝了酒,就态度粗暴,出口伤人,性子别扭。But he was rough and harsh-spoken and difficult when he was drinking.

但是无需注册即可发布实验性子类型。However, you can designate experimental subtypes without registration.

你的总裁或许会耐着性子听完每周半打或更多的情况介绍。Your CEO may sit through a half-dozen or more presentations every week.